Posts Tagged ‘Henry Coop Cooper’

On the Set of Guiding Light

October 1, 2014

They say:

“A Documentary that aired on PBS station NJN in 2009 that takes you behind the scenes of the classic CBS Network Soap Opera “The Guiding Light” with Justin Deas, Crystal Chappell, Beth Chamberlin and Ricky Paull Goldin.”

When this was originally posted Frank Dicopoulos (Frank Cooper) objected. He had hoped to sell it to other PBS stations. I think at this point that is no longer a concern, so I’m going to go ahead and do this post pointing to it.

They take you through the process for episode 14815. It’s when Beth has Alan and Gus captive. It was shot sometime between December 29, 2005 to March 10, 2006 during the storyline. Although it was aired in 2009, it was actually shot before the format switch.

Part one includes – the lobby and exterior of the studio, the sign in process, make-up room and artists (Paul Gebia and Joe Cola – the head), Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer), the hair department (Linda – no last name given), John Driscoll (Henry “Coop” Cooper), Rehearsal Hall- the episode being rehearsed is number 14815, Beth Chamberlain (Beth Raines Spaulding), Ron Raines (Alan Spaulding), On set, Joseph Cotugno (Director), Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus Aitoro), Elana Slott (Time Keeper) – They aim at 57 minutes 20 seconds is the perfect length of show with commercials, they said 38 minutes 20 seconds, but 37 is closer to what they really were running, Charles Grayauskie (Associate Director), Company set (classic), Eric Shuttlework (Boom Operator), Nick no last name given (Assaint Boom Operator – he pushes boom base around), Justin Deas (Buzz Cooper), Camera Blocking, Wardrobe, Shawn Reeve (Costume Designer), Nicole Forester (Cassie Layne Winslow Lewis) who shows off her knitting (Part 2)

Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy Layne Winslow) and Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan Randall), Casting, Rob Decina (Casting Director), Dressing Rooms, Beth Ehlers (Harley Davidson Cooper), Rob Bogue (A.C. Mallet)

Robansuefarm is the handle of one of Manny and Guiding Light‘s biggest fans following in her family’s footsteps of Guiding Light fandom since 1939. This blog is an effort to make it easy to find Guiding Light and especially Manny online. Check back here for her blog, find fanfic previews and fake WSPR newscasts on her YouTube, find podcasts that look back to old shows and audios of her fanfics on Blog Talk Radio, and finally follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Christmas 1998

December 23, 2011

This year we have a pleothra of episodes to choose from. It was uploaded from their airings in Iceland (hence the strange subtitles, but don’t worry you don’t even see them after a while and the copies are nice and crisp). I’m actually going to include 3 non-consecutive episodes, but if you want to watch the ones in between they are all on Heartbreakers YouTube Channel.

First up we get a nice cross sections of stories that uses the Springfield Mall set. Springfield Mall often makes an appearance at Christmas, and normally only at Christmas time, but it’s such a great perspective I wanted to include it for that alone. Second we follow Michelle Bauer about her Christmas errands. It also features when Danny gives Michelle his present outside of  Reva Bend, a great example of soap opera gift wrapping. The lid and box are wrapped separately so easily open without tearing paper. Finally we get the actual Christmas episode capped off with RJ Jessup’s birth.

On top of that this is Manny’s first Christmas, they’re not even together yet, so it’s got that going for it. Besides Manny, Holly’s formerly psycho brother Ken Norris has returned to town just in time to be a red herring in the Nursery Rhyme Stalker Story (it was really Holly). The hot if twisted Blen (Blake Marler with Ross’ half-brother Ben Warren) story is in full swing. Annie Dutton disguised as detective Terri DeMarco has been stirring up trouble by drugging Josh, leading him and most of the town to decide he’s gone nuts. Due to Hart and Cassie, Dinah miscarried recently and Cassie is coming back to town finally deciding to tell Hart that she’s pregnant with his kid. Dinah, who as she mentions on screen, also delivered Harley’s baby Daisy (recently returned to town with adoptive father Jim LeMay), will be the one to deliever RJ Jessup in a car, just like she did with Harley. Jim and Beth Raines are starting to take an interest in each other, much to Susan’s dismay (she wants Harley to dump Phillip and marry Jim). Matt and Beth had been growing closer and Vanessa’s insecurity about their age difference has her claws out for Beth. Fletcher went off in a snit convinced Holly has given up all rights to Meg. So far he’s proven untraceable and Holly isn’t taking it well.

Tues., Dec. 15, 1998

An upset Michelle tells Drew that Danny decided to audit her psychology class and signed up to be her study partner. She goes on to say that during a classroom “Ink Blot” analysis, Danny said every blot was him and her making love. She told him she saw him being hauled off for sexual harassment. (Unfortunately this was never shown because Paul Anthony Stewart was sick the day they were scheduled to shoot, he still is sick with bronchitis at the mall in this episode.) Danny mailed Michelle an inkblot with a note, “I see a truce” and his cell phone number. [I always wanted to get this blot from Danny and present it framed to him and Michelle as a housewarming gift.] Michelle meets Danny at the mall to tell him to stop following her and intimidating her. Danny apologizes. He then tells Michelle that he has feelings for her and is losing interest in finding his brother’s killer, but Michelle doesn’t buy it. Michelle angrily tells Danny that she is with Jesse and there is nothing he can do to change that. [We’ll see.] When Jesse and Drew take Coop to the mall to see Santa, they narrowly miss seeing Michelle and Danny together. However, Michelle does see Jesse kiss Drew on the forehead.

This episode originally aired Tues. Dec. 15th. The ink blot (sigh), OK this is sad to admit, but I actually recreated the inkblot for my Manny Tribute video. Gotta love it when Drew and Michelle have “girl talk.” “As long as he’s sniffing around you.” Dinah and Annie are pretty great talking too. I’m loving the twist where now Josh is going after Annie. Just when you think Josh has a chance because Rick isn’t his dr., they bring in Dr. Bradford. NO! We hate Dr. Bradford, she locks up Michelle. 8:27 More inkblots, Bill leaving then makes a lot more sense once you know he’s going to get a look at Terri. Here’s the skinny. There was a terrific scene they wrote of Michelle and Danny in the classroom. It’s one of the 1st times that he starts to show a real appreciation for Michelle’s fieriness. Then Paul Anthony Stewart (Danny) got really, really sick with bronchitis, too sick to work. So they never shot the scene. (Thank God they didn’t do it with a recast.) So Drew and Michelle just talked about. He’s better here, but still pretty sick. That’s why his voice is strange. (Part 1)

Vanessa: “I’m so very glad I caught you”. – Beth: “Doing what?” I like Vicki’s new hair cut. Vanessa’s necklace is very pretty. Dresse 3:18 “Do you mind if a sweet little Jewish girl tags along?” 4:24 Manny at the Mall Danny:”You’ve gotta know the difference between an apology and a threat.” “Now relax, this is decaf.” Dinah: “You are Annie Dutton, the single most awesome female I’ve ever met in my entire life.” Glad Annie gets the irony about brain washing. I kind of enjoyed Josh’s nightmare. (Part 2)

Frank is being more moronic than usual. I’m surprised Terri didn’t file a report on entering Jeva’s house. She normally covers her tracks better than that. It’s kind of funny that sometimes both Reva & Annie seem to get confused whether it’s really more important to be with Josh or to destroy their rival. Reva figured out how the DNA evidence was fixed. Go Reva! 5:20 More smackdown “If you could scare up a date, maybe you could join us.” I wonder if switching to popcorn was planned or impromptu. Ben to the rescue! It’s really a nice little plot where India sacrifices one of her literal family jewels for Dorrie, but it magically comes back to her. Thinking of those less fortunate than you Ross? How about you could call Carrie and see how her treatments are coming? You remember Carrie (Jane Elliot) don’t you? Your former wife? The one you promised to wait for forever until she recovered from her total mental collapse? (Sorry, loved Carrie & he never freaking called to check on her once!) (Part 3)

Loved the mistletoe. How did they know Morgan knew about Rocky? He died before he talked to anyone, but Jenna. They knew he was back and was taking the kids, but that doesn’t mean he knew. It could just be revenge. That was great when Terri tore her blouse. Too bad it was borrowed. I wonder how Terri thinks she’s going to get Josh back if he’s committed? (Part 4)

Tues., Dec. 22, 1998

It’s First Present Day. See Danny think back on this in my “Typical House” fanfic. Danny is following Michelle today as she makes her Christmas rounds, first to Millennium and then to Holly’s house.  At Holly’s Michelle discovers that despite her earlier promise to Michelle, Holly is still drinking and a concerned Michelle consults with Ken about it. Outside she runs into Danny who gives her a creepy photo of herself alone in the park, designed to creep her out.

Springfield Inn? Matt – Your family OWNS the boarding house why not stay there? Buzz is just trying to bury himself in somebody else’s problems. Blen seem happy. Nice use of Blen’s conversation to re-cap. Note the stupid curtain behind Ben. I hate that thing. Marriage must agree with Harley, she’s got a decent length skirt. Susan is a master manipulator for a teenager. Her plan is to get Harley and Jim together. Harley should remember this when she gets all paranoid about Phillip not leaving Lizzie with Edmund. Fletcher IS that cruel. He ALWAYS does this. He professes his undying love and then suddenly he’ll decide something the woman does is unforgivable and out the door he goes without a second glance. I guess that should be “pulling a Fletcher.” He broke my heart when he dumped Claire and I have NEVER forgiven him. Again, Blake hating India goes back to their mutual involvement with Phillip. “Free range plum pudding doesn’t do it for you?” A bar that serves brunch? Michelle is in full feisty mode today. Havent you heard? Im the Springfield Creeper. Can I melt yet? Nope, not done commenting. 1:13 I love Michelles hair like this. It rocks today! Manny at Hollys House 7:33 (Part 1)

A whole scene about a birthmark? Drew and Buzz are sort of friends (see when he tricks her into cleaning his grill while Michelle is a the blind school), but she mostly knows how close Buzz is to Jesse and sees him as an in. Counseling Mattesa! Have you never heard of couples counseling? That’s a great color on Vanessa. Susan begins her plan to get rid of Phillip. Daisy? She’s good. Nice touch of Meg’s photo on the mantle. Love India’s outfit, but black and white really aren’t her colors. 5:28 The highlight didn’t show Danny listening at the door! Michelle and Holly first grew close as Holly helped Michelle through Maureen’s death. Michelle would want to return the favor and help Holly if she could. She’s already tried a couple of times before the recast. If only Holly wasn’t mired in NRS, she could have been such an asset to the story here, but NO, the writers motto was isolate Manny. I wish Holly would have followed up on Michelle’s request to find information on Danny.  (Part 2)

Buzz plays peacemaker. Nice hairstyle Drew, so he could see the birthmark, but that was kind of odd how he put his hand on her shoulder. Lil’ Maureen was playing matchmaker in the finale too. “It’s not a test. You’re not going to graded on this.” Phillip is exactly right Harley. He sounds like a parent when he talks to Susan, you still sound like a wanna be cool babysitter. I like Holly’s hair, but it looks kind of complicated for someone who is falling apart. Meg couldn’t talk like that. 5:20 Manny at Reva Bend Cont. I wonder if Michelle would have followed up with someone about Holly’s drinking if Danny hadn’t distracted her right then. Michelle: “Ever hear of the U.S. Mail?” Danny: “No right? I should take that up with the ACLU.” I LOVE it when they banter. This is an example of soap opera gift wrapping. You wrap the lid and box separately, so they look nice and come apart easily without having to rip the paper. Danny takes photos , too! Is there no end to this mans skills? (Well, he can’t ride a horse, that’s about it.) The photo is supposed to freak Michelle out, Danny is still working on his plan to push Jesse so hard that he’ll admit he killed Mick. Nice use of the wind machine in Michelle’s hair to suggest they are outside. (Part 3)

“We were very close to converting our garage into a stable.” That’s funny for people who live in a former carriage house. They live in a space where the downstairs used to be living space for horses. I don’t think Blake is being hypocritical, if Ross is going to object to Ben. “Take refuge in his Ex-Wifey’s arms.” Great Ben-India bickering. Loving Matt’s outfit today. I can’t believe Matt caved that easily, Billy never would have. Telling Drew would be the simple way and very unSelena. “Did you ever dream this…” – Ben did dream of belonging in a family. “This is better than a dream because it’s real.” Phillip is being supportive and practical. “You can’t get those 12 years back. She’s not Daisy now, she’s Susan.” “You go to extremes?” I think Jim and Harley do have chemistry. Jim’s smarter than he looks.  (Part 4)

Christmas Episode

The nurse almost looked like Annie in soft focus. Was that deliberate? Rick is so great as Santa. Why didn’t they let him raise his own kids? He waited decades to get them and then they just disappeared. Props should have gotten a page a day calendar. How do you turn back a month a page calendar a couple of days? I wonder if Terri would have brought Tammy back so soon if Alan hadn’t showed up? “A note which I left at the police station.” That doesn’t sound made up at all. I love Dinah’s squat down in the rice fields line. “You know I can’t do that.” So you’re saying you’re not perfect Cassie, you must be in bad shape. Dinah did have a soft spot for children. Cassie and Dinah did have a complex relationship, it was more than just hate. What was Beth thinking giving Lizzie those bells? Kill me now! Beth is really being a pretty good sport. [Part 1]

I understand why Ross isn’t being very supportive, but really when he was part of the reason Ben has never had an experience like this before, he doesn’t have to be so abrasively rude, especially about the cars. Is it just me or do the sweaters make the Miniature Marlers look like little Rosses? Blen went shopping together. If the cars are wrong, why didn’t she tell him? “It’s not going that badly. – Why because he hasn’t shot one of us yet?” The H.B. flashback rocks! Everyone loves H.B. “Why do these women do this to me?” Is it because you are a putz Hart? I remember reading once in a soap book about how they have to pull the linings out of the coats because otherwise the actors get to hot being “outside” inside the set. Hart’s parka makes me think of that, especially when the girls barely have suit coats on. It’s nice that there stockings have their names on them, maybe we’ll figure out which is which yet. The twin in green is too talkative and isn’t taking direction well. I really do think this is what Drew’s getting religion later this year is about, trying to reconnect with the parents who raised her. Love Annie’s velvet coat. That Santa Ross comes in carrying is part of the mall decorations earlier. [Part 2]

I love it when they show Abby and Reva’s friendship. I’m glad they don’t forget it. Rabby is a great couple, too. I abhor Abby’s hat though. I’m happier to see the coat than Josh, I love that thing. Why doesn’t Terri have a cell phone? Nice that mentioned Dinah delivered Susan. Nice of Dinah to let Cassie use her photo of Hart. Cassie’s lines would make more sense if she didn’t have 1 kid already. Dinah: “You know me I lie. Push again!” Ben: “Don’t mind me, I”ll just go watch football.” Blake to 1 of the twins: “You want that 1 [coat].” – Ross: “Well, it’s his.” What is Blake’s wreath made of? Love all the talk about H.B. I miss him. We need you Harlan. I know Reva is famous for wearing red, but I say this shade of blue suits her best. Really she only wear it, she looks so much better in it than any other color. [Part 3]

India: “3 single men & one of them happens to be my size.” Love India’s dress, it’s perfect for her. India: “I was getting a little glum, standing under the mistletoe all by myself.” Alex & Lizzie look sharp, too. I remember Alan giving her the brief case & they actually mention it from time to time in the future. Phillip’s shirt is amazing, too. Harley’s looking sharp, too. Harley: “It’s not just a house because we’re married, it’s a home.” Beat 2 of Jeth they meet & hit it off. “You must be new around here.” That is a BIG kid. Welcome RJ! That’s a great shot of Buzz & the kids for once. Glad Rick & Phillip spend the holiday together. I guess that’s how Jim knew Rick’s name was Bauer at the hospital. They must have met at the party. Not the same without Mike Bauer singing the carol. I miss him. Nice that Blen was tender this time instead of always so desperate. Guess it was a page a day calendar, you just couldn’t see it before. Handy that railing was there for Shayne to stand on. Good tree place. [Part 4]

Guiding Light Cast Round Up 41

November 27, 2011

This is the forty-first in an irregular feature where we will report updates on what cast members of Guiding Light are doing now. I’m playing catch up on some soap magazine news. So as a reminder you can buy back issues:

Agnes Nixon (former Guiding Light writer) will appear on camera during the last week of One Life to Live on January 9, 2012.

Jordi Vilasuso (Tony Santos #1) appeared at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles as part of Variety Power of Youth Event. See a photo in the November 15, 2011 episode of Soap Opera Weekly.

Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #6, part of the wonderful Bizzie pairing) and her fiance Don Money had their second son Levi Thomas on Nov. 3, 2011. Their first son played the baby bump that was H.B. Lewis IV.

Nia Long (Kat Speakes, paired with David Grant, playing a Romeo/Juliette romance against Hampton Speakes, Billy best friend from football days) just had her second child Kez Sunday Udkoa on Nov. 7, 2011.

Aubrey Dollar (Marina Cooper #4- whose spirited portrayal made her Marina realistically one of Michelle Bauer Santos two best female friends along with Marah Lewis) appeared on the “Foe” episode of Person of Interest. It originally aired November 17, 2011.

Crystal Hunt (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #5 brought in Roxie the dog and romanced Coop) explains why she left Guiding Light in 2005 in the “Why They Really Left” roundup in the Oct. 24, 2011 issue of the CBS Soaps in Depth.

Judi Evans (Beth Raines Spaulding #1)’s baby picture is included with a roundup of other soap stars childhood photos is in the Nov. 1, 2011 issue of Soap Opera Weekly. Jerry verDorn (Ross Marler)’s baby picture was included in the Nov. 22, 2011 issue of Soap Opera Weekly.

Scott Bailey (Sandy Foster, who pretended to be Jonathan Randall) married his fiancee Adrienne Frantz (Amber on The Bold and the Beautiful) on Nov. 11, 2011. They had previously held bachelor/bachelorette parties on consecutive weekends in Las Vegas.

Jeff Branson’s (Shayne Lewis #7) was featured as the Gold Star actor of the week in the Sept. 26, 2011 issue in CBS Soaps in Depth.

Photos from the infamous portrait time travel storyline on Guiding Light are featured in a roundup in the Sept. 26, 2011 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth. Featured are Kim Zimmer (Reva Shayne Lewis), Robert Newman (Josh Lewis), and Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer).

Christian Jules LeBlanc (Justin the Gigalo from the last Vanilly wedding) tells the story of why his arm was in a cast during his Emmy win in 2009 in the Star Talk roundup in the Sept. 26, 2011 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth.

Jean Carol (Nadine Cooper) had a small speaking role as a woman passing along Jane’s planted rumor in the “Rhapsody in Red” episode of The Mentalist. It originally aired May 12, 2011 and repeated November 24, 2011.

Victoria Platt (Vicky Spaulding, Alan and Alex’s half-sister Victoria Spaulding’s daughter, from Brandon’s island marriage after he had died on screen once) is married in real life to Terrell Tilford (David Grant #3, brother to Gilly, son of hospital administrator Charles, friend to Bridget, coupled with Vicky Spaulding). Platt guest starred as an undercover cop gone bad in the “Pink Tops” episode of The Mentalist. It originally aired  November 17, 2011.

Paul Wesley (Max Nickerson #2, the one who played the part when Drew actually got him adopted) appeared in the 2010 movie Beneath the Blue which just repeated on The CW.

There is a photo spread of the wedding in Playa del Carmen, Mexico of Robert Bogue (A.C. Mallet #2) and Mandy Bruno (Marina Cooper #6) in the Sept. 26, 2011 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth. Also in the ceremony were Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #6) and Bradley Cole (Richard Winslow/Jeffery O’Neill). Bogue and Bruno also appeared with Saundra Santiago (Carmen Santos) in the Oct. 24, 2011 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth. Bogue and Santiago were in the short running play Manipulation that had good reviews in the Cherry Lane Theater in New York City.

The Nov. 1, 2011 issue of Soap Opera Weekly featured photos from 8th Annual Daytime Stars and Strikes and 7th Annual Rock Show for Charity.

John Driscoll (Coop Cooper #4) had announced his engagement to Beth Nelson, his childhood sweetheart. His stalker’s paternity charges threatened to end the relationship, but true love has prevailed. They are pictured in the Oct. 24, 2011 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth.

In honor of Halloween CBS Soaps in Depth in the Oct. 24, 2011 issue counted down the 10 scariest soap stories ever. Guiding Light has two stories included: Carrie Carruthers at number 8 and Brent Lawrence becomes Marian Crane (which was entirely creepy) at number 2. I think the Lawrence storyline would have been number 1 except Shelia Carter got extra points for jumping between two soaps.

Laura Wright (Cassie Layne Winslow #1) will appear at the Pickwick and Frolic Restaurant in Cleveland, OH with her Standing Sun Wines on Sat., Dec. 3, 2011 from 1pm-4pm. Tickets are $50, you must be 18 or older To purchase tickets, call (216) 241-7425 or visit

A little late with this one, but find a tweet from Robansuefarm on the Sept. 26, 2011 issue of CBS soaps in Depth on page 53.

Click on the Posted in “GL Cast Update” category below for more posts about keeping up with the Springfielders.

Guiding Light Cast Round Up 38

October 10, 2011

This is the thirty- eighth in an irregular feature where we will report updates on what cast members of Guiding Light are doing now. I’m planning catch up on some soap magazine news. So as a reminder you can buy back issues:

The Sept. 19, 2011 issue of Woman’s World features a list of “It Happened This Week” including Guiding Light ending in 2009.

Bethany Joy Galeotti (Michelle Bauer Santos #4) “Shooting a PSA for today with the lovely founder Dallas Jessup.”

More on T.J. Hargrave (T.J. Werner #1, who was replaced by Kevin Bacon and was killed in the 9/11 attacks).

Doug Hutchinson (Sebastian, who claimed to be another illegitimate son of Roger Thorpe who was part of the deep dark best forgotten Manny amnesia storyline and the even worse Holly dates Roger’s son after he kidnapped her storyline) is once again in the headlines over his teen bride (who if she really is a teen majorly needs the help of a makeup makeover and possibly a plastic surgeon or maybe a lawyer to sue a bad plastic surgeon).

Kurt McKinney (Matt Reardon of Mattessa fame) appeared in the episode of Blue Bloods that aired Sept. 23, 2011.

Bonnie Dennison (Daisy Susan LeMay Cooper #3)  appeared on the Sept. 27, 2011 episode of NCIS as Lindsey/Daisy.

Laura Bell Bundy (Marah Lewis #5) has been in the studio.!/Team_LBB/status/120188754605514752/photo/1
Bundy tweeted “I just finished recording a country version of Lady Gaga’s “You & I” You keep your beats GAGA, and I’ll keep my fiddle.”
Bundy at the Grand Ole Opry signing for her fans.

John Driscoll (Coop Cooper #4) files restraining order after paternity charges proved fraudulent.

Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #6) had a baby shower thrown for her by current co-star Eileen Davidson (currently appearing as Ashley on The Young and the Restless).

Ellen Dolan (Maureen Reardon Bauer #1) is scheduled to appear in a film called Just Beautiful which is part of a project to help kick start Iowa’s film industry again after an embezzlement scandal shut down the Iowa Film Office. Dolan is a native of Iowa.

Bradley Cole (Prince Richard Winslow/Jeffery O’Neill)’s Rock Event featured Robert Bogue (A.C. Mallet #2) as auctioneer.

Lauren C. Mayhew (Marah Lewis #4 – in her most memorable storyline she partnered with Brittany Snow‘s Susan as they tried to rescue the rest of the kids from Holly, Sound of Music style) will host “Celebrity Poker Live.” It’s been given a 12 episode pick up.
Mayhew (Marah Lewis #4) recently tweeted “Shoot for AT&T My Mobile today 🙂 So pretty out!”

Ron Raines (Alan Spaulding #3)’s production of Follies continues to do very well at the box office.
A song Raines does in the show called “Too Many Mornings” is on YouTube.

Michelle Ray Smith (Ava Peralta) tweeted “Sitting in a bird blind with my beau calling for turkeys … What a Sunday!!!”
Since it was recently referenced on Twitter. Here’s a link to Smith’s 2007 article about her father’s suicide.

Brody Hutzler (Zachary Smith, the angel who romanced Michelle and felt guilt over his involvement with Michelle’s look alike ancestor, whatever that was they gave up on the story halfway through, he also helped Vanessa when she faked her death, and predicted Michelle’s true love was still coming) was featured in August 16, 2011 issue of Soap Opera Digest. Hutzler had gone on to play Patrick (roadkill on the Bo-Hope superhighway after trashing a nice romance with Billie) on Days of Our Lives. Currently he is looking forward to a British pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. His strongest Guiding Light memories seem to be of working with the goose Zachary and Michelle nursed back to heath.

Kim Zimmer (Reva Shayne Lewis) is included in the roundup of the August 16, 2011 issue of Soap Opera Digest. She’s quoted from a July 18, 2006 article where she confirmed she herself was behind the wheel during the taping of the episode where a newly diagnosed with cancer Reva, takes ahold of life by jumping into Travis Kvapil’s NASCAR race car and reaching 112 mph.

Scott Bryce (Craig Montgomery#1 from As the World Turns, part of the magical Craig-Sierra pairing which was destroyed by inability after short initial run for the show to get them back back at the same time) was also quoted. Bryce is the son of Ed Bryce (Bill Bauer, Bert’s husband, Meta and Trudy’s brother, Ed, Mike, and Hillary’s father). However, as Bryce grew up in Wesptort, CT, also the hometown of Bette Davis and Robert Redford, he didn’t feel that being Ed Bryce‘s son made him a celebrity growing up.

Click on the Posted in “GL Cast Update” category below for more posts about keeping up with the Springfielders.

Guiding Light Cast Round Up 26

January 20, 2011

This is the twenty-sixth in an irregular feature where we will report updates on what cast members of Guiding Light are doing now.  The flurry of activity continues so look for another one soon.

Tina Sloan (Lillian Raines) talks about her new film Happy New Year.
Sloan is made an example of an author doing a great job selling her book in the Wall Street Journal.

Bethany Joy Lenz Galeotti (Michelle Bauer Santos #4) just named to top 25 currently pregnant list by

Michael O’Leary (Rick Bauer #5) was interviewed about Steamboat in the Dec. 28, 2010 issue of Soap Opera Digest. He also mentions his career selling real estate and he’s involved with distributing a new wine from New South Wales, Australia called Ozzie-Ba-Ru.

Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy Layne Winslow) recently tweeted “You can now register to participate in my March 20 “Free to Breathe” Yogathon OR sponsor my team! More info at:

Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #6) was featured as a question in the Dec. 28, 2010 issue of Soap Opera Digest. It reports her son Jackson Robert Money was born on October 22, 2009. Rylan is still engaged to the baby’s father Don Money.

Soap_Dude recently tweeted that Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus Aitoro)’s first contract role was as a 3 year old on Romper Room and  “can be seen in Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion in the rehab scene.”

Soap Dude also pointed out that Rachel Miner (Michelle Bauer #2 – as the pre-teen Michelle she totally rocked which Joie Lenz really recaptured when she took over the role) appeared as Meg the demon in 3 episodes in Supernatural in 2009-2010. They talk about her role as Michelle here:

Brittany Snow (Daisy/Susan LeMay Cooper #2) is appearing in a new show Harry’s Law.

I also recently discovered she seems to be a frequent guest on various BlogTalkRadio shows. Find the most recent one here:

Guiding_Light tweeted that Ron Raines (Alan Spaulding #3) “is having right knee surgery Friday, Jan. 7th. (He says nothing serious.) We are all praying for you Ron! Let us know how you are doing!” He has since reported the surgery was a success.

Jane Elliot (Carrie Marler – Ross’ wife who sadly felt victim to psychosis) has recently had a resurgence as her iconic General Hospital character Tracy Quatermaine re-marries leading man Luke Spencer.

Kim Zimmer (Reva Shayne Lewis) is scheduled to co-host Curtain Up for a Cure on Jan. 31, 2011. Read more about it here:
Zimmer also commented on her use of accents as both Reva and her One Life To Live character Echo in the Dec. 28, 2010 issue of Soap Opera Digest.

Laura Bell Bundy (Marah Lewis #5) was listed on CityPages blog as one of the 10 country singers to watch in 2011. Thanks for the link lbb_fans21

MarthaByrne10 (Lily Walsh Snyder on As the World Turns) recently tweeted this video directed by Lisa Brown (Nola Reardon Chamberlain). Byrne also said “Did you know Lisa Brown’s son Buddy…(Senses Fail lead singer) played her baby on GL ….my he’s grown!”

SoapOpera451 points out that original V cast member Michael Durrell played Peter from 1969-1971. Read more here:
V: THE SOAP OPERA By Alina Adams As previously co…

Michelle Ray Smith (Ava Peralta) recently tweeted that she just returned from a vacation in Punta Cana.

Ian Ziering (Cameron Stewart – part of the original quad with Harley-Dinah-Alan-Michael) was featured in a Where Are They Now article in the Nov. 22, 2010 issue of CBS Soaps in Depth. Ziering found more mainstream fame as part of the cast of 90210, was big hit on Dancing With the Stars and most recently appeared in The Christmas Hope and National Lampoon’s The Legend of Awesomest Maximus.

Matt Bomer (Ben Reade #3 – the last one who made a bet about taking Marah’s virginity, fell in love with Marina, and sadly was wasted with a crazy suddenly he’s a serial killer story that didn’t track) now stars in White Collar on USA. Their new season started Jan. 18, 2011.

Scott Bailey (Sandy Foster – who impersonated Jonathan Randall)’s fiancee Adrienne Frantz (Amber Moore on The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful) submitted a “Christmas letter” to fans reviewing their year. It appeared in the Dec. 28, 2010 issue of Soap Opera Digest. They are looking ahead to their wedding Nov. 11, 2011.

Melissa Hayden (Bridget Reardon Lewis) gave a short interview to Dec. 28, 2010 Soap Opera Digest about her role on The Young and Restless. It was great to see Hayden on our screens again and even better promise that she will most likely be back when this whole baby broker story falls apart. It’s kind of scary that some 20 years later, she’s playing a variation of her most famous GL storyline, and she still looks convincing doing it.

Vincent Irizarry (Lujack/Nick McHenry) will appear at a meet and greet at the Brokerage Entertainment Club in Bellmore, New York. Tickets are $48. Find more or (516) – 785-8655.

Daytime Confidential released a list of the actors who rate highest number of views for this year. Guiding Light Star Rankings are: Crystal Hunt (Lizzie Spaulding #5) #74, Vincent Irizarry (Lujack/Nick McHenry) #68, Zach Conroy (James Spaulding #2) #66, Hayden Panettiere (Lizzie Spaulding #2) #64, Jeff Branson (Shayne Lewis #7) #63, Gina Tognoni (Dinah Marler #4) #61, Kassie DePaiva (Chelsea Reardon) #53, Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan Randall #2) #42, Daniel Cosgrove (Bill Lewis #4) #37, Beth Ehlers (Harley Cooper #1) #32, Marcy Rylan (Lizzie Spaulding Lewis #6) #25, Rebecca Budig (Michelle Bauer #3) #24, Jessica Leccia (Natalie Aitoro) #11, Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer) #7, John Driscoll (Coop Cooper #4) #6, and Kim Zimmer (Reva Shayne Lewis) #1. Find the complete list with photo of each actor below.

Barbara Bloom, the head of CBS Daytime who oversaw the death knells of As the World Turns and Guiding Light and oversaw the travesties that are Drew Carey (who still looks like he doesn’t want to be there) taking over hosting The Price is Right, The Talk and Let’s Make a Deal (the remake) is being let go when her current contract ends shortly.

Click on the Posted in “GL Cast Update” category below for more posts about keeping up with the Springfielders.

Bauer BBQ 2006

July 6, 2010

Tonight’s commentary is a little snarkier than normal and I honestly don’t mean to offend anybody if we disagree, but the 2006 storylines bring it out in me.

It’s the year after Manny move to California to be near Ed. Bauer BBQ in a properly decorated Bauer house and yard for the last time. [Bitter, bitter SOB!] Mel and Rick are having tensions in their marriage because Phillip Spaulding’s meltdown and death/disappearance have really effected Rick in a way Mel can’t share and they increasingly grow more distant. (Frankly I never thought they had much heat to begin with, when my favorite scene with them involves them giggling over trying to get Danny & Michelle together when they’ve already reached that inevitable conclusion themselves, there’s not much to be said for them as couple. I thought he had more heat with Harley which was pathetically little at that. Mel certainly never had the same fire she later showed in the last couple of scenes with Cyrus and that was before they literally broke the bed.) In another tragic decision for longtime viewers, Leah (who in a Marah copycat move has her name from the combination of Rick and Mel’s mothers’s names, Leslie and Felicia) turned 16 instead of 2. So after having watched Rick pine after children for years, we don’t actually get to see him spend much time parenting either Jude or Leah. Leah is especially given the short shift. She is rarely seen and frequently recast in the last 3 years of the show. At least I think she was, we saw so little of her you kind of forget exactly what she looked like in between. The business with her and Rick and the hat during Bauer BBQ 2009 was cute, but would have meant a lot more if we had ever, you know, heard of the tradition before that.

Ava, who in a presto changeo move was suddenly the girl next door, not an ambitious flakey nut job for about 2 seconds until Coop dumps her and she reverts, had successfully lured Coop away from the closest he will ever know to a true love in Lizzie. They had a beautiful romance until the writers blew it up, I guess just because they wanted to give Ava story. It’s not like Ava and Coop had much connection that wasn’t forced either, unlike Cozzie or pre-surgery Cooplee in my never humble opinion. Also, the Coopers supporting Ava was ridiculous when they practically helped raised Lizzie, back when Marina was her friend and not a lying witch who stabbed more friends than Lizzie in the back. Anyway, so the Coopers are happy Coop is with Ava, but this is a recent development. Lizzie had gotten pregnant off of a one night stand with Jonathan Randall and originally claimed the baby was Coop’s. She took it all the way to the altar before Jonathan suddenly outed her. Alan, who is more than a little mentally ill at the moment and perhaps developing some early signs of the brain tumor that will almost kill him in a couple of years, is totally obsessed with getting control of Lizzie’s baby. So much so that she’s eventually frightened into letting Jonathan take the baby with no contact rather than see Alan get ahold of her.

Jammy people should be happy, this is sort of their highpoint, except for the wedding. I know I’m swimming against the current here, but I disliked what being with Jonathan did to Tammy. The almost alternative personality he brought out in her was simply unpleasant. She used to be so nice and act like a grown up and a strong woman, now she’s a I”m nothing without my man, self-centered hanger-oner, the type of person you avoid at parties. At this point she thinks she can have Jonathan AND a normal life. Good luck with that one, Tammy. Jonathan, who came to town specifically to make his mother pay for abandoning him (he got over it), plans to do the exact same thing to his kid with less excuse and Reva handed the perfect opportunity, doesn’t call him on it!

Reva was diagnosed with cancer and rather than tell Josh, she only confided in Billy and later Jonathan. She left town for treatment, didn’t give Josh a reasonable excuse for her absence and started pushing him towards Cassie. Which I may have bought back when they were working together over the clone, but Crash makes not sense at this point. So don’t even try to make it make sense.

Remy is Mel’s brother and therefore Leah’s uncle. Remy & Lizzie were always friendly if not really friends. Love it when Remy points out something usually goes wrong every year at BBQ. Remy had kind of crush on Tammy who died before they ever got around to exploring it. His next crush which will be more equally returned will be Ava.

Although Olivia is supposed to be with Frank, Buzz and Olivia have sparks when Frank isn’t around. Until Olivia started dating Frank, Buzz tried to get her to admit her feelings for him. Now he supports Frank. However, the sparks still fly and even Frank (I mean he’s a good guy, a great community officer, but did the guy ever crack a case? He didn’t even ID his mother’s body when it was pulled out of the lake in front of him) notices and has finally had enough. Glad TPTB remember that Buzz rides a motorcycle.

What’s wrong with Gus is that he is a drug addict. Rick was twice an active addict and beat it. Gus should listen to him.

Ross was killed 4 months earlier at the beginning of April this year. That’s why Blake is having issues.

Once again, Alan complains about coming to the Bauer BBQ and tends to other business and then BAM there he is! That’s true every year when Alan is in town. He complains. He pretends he isn’t going to come. He does something else. Then he comes and thinks it odd if anyone questions him being there. “I come every year,” he says if asked. 😉

‘This year the annual speech is made by Josh. Really it’s a nice speech. What Josh is talking about honoring veterans is that he is working at building a VA Hospital on the former site of Cross Creek. This is a never heard of lifelong dream of HB’s to build one there. Josh told Reva the night she was going to tell him about the cancer, so she didn’t so Josh didn’t put his life on hold for her again. (I know I’m just reporting, I didn’t write this dreck.) He gets Cassie to help him with it and thus Cash is born.

(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) Tribute to Ross (Part 6)

Almost Wedding

June 5, 2010

Every Friday I add a definition to another term of soap opera jargon. Check out the “Soap Opera Jargon” page for more.

Almost Wedding – An almost wedding is also known as a nonwedding or an interrupted wedding. One of the ways that life in soap world is different from real life is that when you are invited to a wedding in the real world you are pretty much assured that the wedding will actually take place. In soap world you can’t have the same assurance. In soap world either the bride or groom might not show or someone might show up to stop the wedding or the bride or groom might change their mind. Below are an assortment of GL’s almost weddings over the years.

In 1989, Phillip and Blake’s wedding is interrupted when Alan accidentally shot his son Phillip.

In 1992, Mindy Lewis and Nick McHenry have an almost wedding when he’s late and his mother Alex convinces her, he will never forgive her for lying about his true parentage. Truth is Roger Thorpe has deliberately delayed him and he doesn’t even know she lied to him yet.

In 1997, Dinah’s surprise wedding for Hart turns into an almost wedding when Blake decides her brother Hart would be happier with Cassie and fakes a medical emergency to stop the wedding. (The Setup) (The Wedding Breaks Up – in between the clips are found on Heartbreaker’s channel)

In 1998, Alan leaves Annie at the altar when he learns she’s legally married to someone else and never told him that she had been married to this other man and faked her death to avoid jail time on a drug trafficking charge.

In 2004, GusH have an almost wedding when Harley changes her mind about marrying him after learning that Gus lied to her and the authorities to protect his Aunt Alexandra and his family’s company.

In 2005, Sandy and Tammy make it through the ceremony, but immediately afterward she finds out he never legally divorced his last wife Ava and so their marriage is invalid.

In 2009, Beth Raines Spaulding left Alan Spaulding at the altar which she learns her current lover Coop Cooper was in a serious car crash and that the love of her life Phillip Spaulding was back in town.

In 2009, Natalia Aitoro leaves Frank Cooper at the altar when she realizes she wants to be with Olivia Spencer instead.

Mother’s Day Special Episode

May 9, 2010

This Inside the Light (see the Soap Opera Jargon page if you don’t know what that means) episode features the ghosts of 3 mothers of characters on the show Sarah Shayne (mother of Reva and Cassie, plus Roxie and Rusty who don’t rate so much as a mention), Nadine Cooper (mother of Frank and Harley), and Jenna Bradshaw Cooper (mother of Coop, plus Rocky who likewise didn’t even rate a “say hi to your brother for me” or Cyrus who didn’t rate a “by the way you have another surprise half-brother named Cyrus Foley out there”). This is not the first ghostly appearance for any of these 3 ladies. Sarah’s most famous appearance was at the Jeva wedding at the country club in 1999 and other than the Manny 70 second scene aka balcony surprise scene, her appearance was the best part of the whole thing. Nadine appeared several times to Harley with the most memorable being after Gus accidentally shot her. Jenna visited all her loved ones, especially Buzz when he was in trouble. She and Maureen probably tie for most frequent ghost in town. Jenna’s returns are all so touching that I don’t think I could pick a favorite. If it had been the year before no doubt Springfield’s other frequent ghostly mother, Maureen Bauer, would have been included visiting Michelle as she had several times in the past as recently as the year before, but with Michelle having “moved to California” and off the show in late 2005, Maureen didn’t rate an invitation this year.

If you regularly read this blog you are aware that I always defend the post-set era on one point. Something had to be tried. They had tried making everything happen in 2 or 3 places a week and it just was NOT working as this episode shows. Story was hamstrung. It was almost a drinking game to see what ridiculous excuse they could come up with this week for people and events to be someplace they had no business being. Note that the Mother’s Day luncheon isn’t being held at the Country Club, Towers, or the Beacon, but rather on the strange Main Street set, it would have made a lot more sense to be 5th Street, but apparently the people writing right then didn’t seem to actually watch the show (the kiosk area is Company 2 where they served a lot of coffee.). This is the time period when pretty much everybody, even those with their own houses, appear to be living at the Beacon so everyone can use the same set with only minimal redress (in fact some actors and actresses complained they didn’t even change the sheets). Although there were definite quality problems with post-set era (most obviously on screen with the sound), it did at least let people move around and live in their own houses again and I welcomed the change.

Here are the on-going stories at the time this originally aired you need to be aware of to make sense of the action. 1. Reva has cancer, but because Josh chose the same night she was going to tell him to tell her that he was fulfilling a never heard of before life long dream of H.B.’s to build a Veteran’s Hospital at Cross Creek (necessitating them moving the Cross Creek cabin to Springfield, so they could use it as a regular set) and she didn’t want him to put his life on hold again, she didn’t tell him what was going on and instead withdrew, left town for weeks at a time, and inexplicably pushed Josh towards having a relationship with Cassie. Josh was confused (but then when wasn’t he) and did what he always did he when he felt that way, he slept with the first attractive woman who spoke to him and declared her his new forever love. (See my Pulling a Josh post.) This time it was Cassie. (They haven’t actually done it yet at this point, but they’re starting to think about it.) 2. The warm and supportive Cozzie relationship was in major jeopardy over Coop inexplicably suddenly having the hots for Ava, a once and future whackjob who had suddenly turned into the girl next door and Coop’s perfect match. Once he finally does dump Lizzie for good, Coop and Ava last about as long as it took him to get Ava between the sheets about once. (OK longer than that, but not much.) Meanwhile in a moment of drunken desperation Lizzie Spaulding and Jonathan Randall (Reva’s son with Richard, raised by Olivia’s sister and her abusive husband) had slept together and the baby Lizzie is expecting and passing off as Coop’s is actually Jonathan’s. This baby is the future Sarah Randall. Cozzie will make it all the way to the altar before Jonathan suddenly decides to out Lizzie’s secret and Coop immediately dumps her. Later Coop will develop a May-December romance with her mom Beth Raines, ultimately leading to his accidental death in Feb. 2009. 3. Olivia has suddenly realized what a good guy Frank is and started to date him, too bad sparks are flying between Olivia and Buzz whenever Frank isn’t around. Buzz realized it first and kept trying to point it out to Olivia before she started dating Frank, but she saw him as an older friend until after she is involved with Frank. She will ultimately hurt them both and move on to Jeffery O’Neill, Gus Aitoro, and finally the wildly popular Otalia pairing. 4. In a surprise move, when Gus doesn’t want to take over Spaulding Enterprises (he had previously been working there under Alan’s tutelage) after the fallout surrounding Phillip’s death (Gus preferred to return to the police force), Harley is surprised (as is everyone) when the board offer her the job instead. Harley, Gus, Dinah, A-M and Alex get involved in corporate intrigue and Mallet first gets involved with Dinah Marler in order to get over his resurfacing feelings for ex-wife Harley Cooper for whom he’s carried a torch (even keeping their home in Florida the same as the day she left to the last detail) ever since their divorce. (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)

Legacy Character

May 1, 2010

Every Friday I add a definition to another piece of soap opera jargon. See the “Soap Opera Jargon” page for more.

Legacy Character – Although this is an incredibly soft term and seems to be used different ways by different people, a true legacy character is one that actually was born on the show. Other people use it to describe a member of a core family or even someone who has merely been on the show a long time. These are considerable weakenings  of a term that is almost exclusive to soap operas. Only on a long running soap or possibly a science fiction franchise with multiple outlets do you have the possibility of literally knowing a character from cradle to grave in real time (with allowances made for SORAS-ing).

Guiding Light, with its nearly impossible to equal 72 years, has a long list of legacy characters that we knew as children and into adulthood. The following list is the character name followed by their year of birth onscreen. Only characters whose birth was actually shown or talked about contemporaneously (for example, Jenna was shown pregnant on the show and called Vanessa to announce the birth) and we saw as older children,  teens or adults are included. I have not included “sudden” children that were rewritten into the soap’s history (like Dylan Lewis or Jonathan Randall, both sudden children of Reva Shayne Lewis) and am probably missing some, please feel free to add to the list.

  • Mike Bauer (1954)
  • Ed Bauer (1958)
  • Hope Bauer Spaulding (1963)
  • Rick Bauer (1970)
  • Blake Thorpe Marler (1975)
  • Alan-Michael Spaulding (1981)
  • Anastasia “Stacey” Louise Chamberlain (1982)
  • Anthony James Chamberlain (1984)
  • Michelle Bauer Santos (1985)
  • Bill Lewis aka H.B. Lewis III (1985)
  • Ben Reade (1986)
  • Marah Lewis (1987)
  • Daisy Susan Lemay Cooper (1987 – a surprising case where instead of SORAS-ing she actually got younger)
  • Lizzie Spaulding Lewis (1990)
  • Shayne Lewis (1990)
  • Marina Cooper (1993)
  • Henry “Coop” Cooper (1994)
  • Marguerite “Meg” Meredith Reade (1996)
  • Kevin and Jason Marler (Twins – 1996)
  • Ian Stavros “Rocky” Cooper (1998)
  • Maureen Reardon (1998)
  • Alan Cooper “Zach” Spaulding (1999)
  • James Spaulding (2000)
  • Robbie Santos aka Robert Fredrico Santos (2001)
  • Jude Cooper Bauer (2001)
  • Clarissa Marler (2001)
  • Hope Santos (2005)
  • Sarah Randall (2006)
  • Leah Bauer (2006 – an especially drastic SORAS-ing)
  • Peyton Spaulding (2008 – although almost never shown)

There is also a definition of this term in comic books where a character takes on another one’s secret identity, but that has nothing to do with soaps.

UPDATED February 20 2016: I added my signature block.

Robansuefarm is the handle of one of Manny and Guiding Light‘s biggest fans following in her family’s footsteps of Guiding Light fandom since 1939. This blog is an effort to make it easy to find Guiding Light and especially Manny online. Check back here for her blog, find fanfic previews and fake WSPR newscasts on her YouTube, find podcasts that look back to old shows and audios of her fanfics on Blog Talk Radio, and finally follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Jenna’s Death YouTube Links

April 23, 2010

Other than Manny, one of the topics that brings the most people here to GLManny is a web search for Jenna’s death. I decided to do a post with the links to this story arc. One of GL’s worst mistakes was when it killed Jenna Bradshaw Cooper. She killed herself to save her family. Read the episode descriptions at “A Little Too Real” and read more about Jenna in the “Supporting Characters” under Jenna. Get out the tissues and prepare for the worst.

Who was Jenna?

Holly decides to “correct” Jenna

Frank tells Jenna and Buzz that Jeffery Morgan’s sentence is overturned (Part 1) (Part 2)

Jenna decides to leave Pharley’s welcome home party and go home by herself

Jenna finds that Holly has let herself into the Firehouse

Jenna and Holly talk about what happened at Thanksgiving

Holly tries to get her booby trapped magazine back from Buzz

Jenna realizes Holly is the Nursery Rhyme Stalker (Part 1) (Part 2)

Buzz discusses his decision to take the kids and leave with Frank. Holly falls apart. (Part 1) (Part 2)

Buzz gets ready to take off on a round the world trip, Jeffery learns Rocky is his biological son
(Part 1) (Part 2)

Jeffery gets Jenna to drive him to the boys, Holly warns Buzz

When Jenna realizes she is out of options, she deliberately wrecks the car rather than let Jeffery carry out this threats to kill Buzz and take Coop and Rocky
(Part 1) (Part 2)

Buzz found Jenna at the accident site
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)

Word gets out about Jenna’s death
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4)

Jenna’s ghost comforts her family
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)

Buzz plans to leave town with the boys anyway and breaks down

Coop asks for his mommy back for Christmas

A friend of Jenna’s hasn’t heard the news and upsets Buzz

Buzz is barely holding on as Harley is constantly checking on him, partially to avoid his own pain he begins to bury himself in Selena’s problems

Buzz goes through Jenna’s things at 8:15 (Part 2) (Part 3)