Posts Tagged ‘Paul Gebia’

On the Set of Guiding Light

October 1, 2014

They say:

“A Documentary that aired on PBS station NJN in 2009 that takes you behind the scenes of the classic CBS Network Soap Opera “The Guiding Light” with Justin Deas, Crystal Chappell, Beth Chamberlin and Ricky Paull Goldin.”

When this was originally posted Frank Dicopoulos (Frank Cooper) objected. He had hoped to sell it to other PBS stations. I think at this point that is no longer a concern, so I’m going to go ahead and do this post pointing to it.

They take you through the process for episode 14815. It’s when Beth has Alan and Gus captive. It was shot sometime between December 29, 2005 to March 10, 2006 during the storyline. Although it was aired in 2009, it was actually shot before the format switch.

Part one includes – the lobby and exterior of the studio, the sign in process, make-up room and artists (Paul Gebia and Joe Cola – the head), Crystal Chappell (Olivia Spencer), the hair department (Linda – no last name given), John Driscoll (Henry “Coop” Cooper), Rehearsal Hall- the episode being rehearsed is number 14815, Beth Chamberlain (Beth Raines Spaulding), Ron Raines (Alan Spaulding), On set, Joseph Cotugno (Director), Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus Aitoro), Elana Slott (Time Keeper) – They aim at 57 minutes 20 seconds is the perfect length of show with commercials, they said 38 minutes 20 seconds, but 37 is closer to what they really were running, Charles Grayauskie (Associate Director), Company set (classic), Eric Shuttlework (Boom Operator), Nick no last name given (Assaint Boom Operator – he pushes boom base around), Justin Deas (Buzz Cooper), Camera Blocking, Wardrobe, Shawn Reeve (Costume Designer), Nicole Forester (Cassie Layne Winslow Lewis) who shows off her knitting (Part 2)

Stephanie Gatschet (Tammy Layne Winslow) and Tom Pelphrey (Jonathan Randall), Casting, Rob Decina (Casting Director), Dressing Rooms, Beth Ehlers (Harley Davidson Cooper), Rob Bogue (A.C. Mallet)

Robansuefarm is the handle of one of Manny and Guiding Light‘s biggest fans following in her family’s footsteps of Guiding Light fandom since 1939. This blog is an effort to make it easy to find Guiding Light and especially Manny online. Check back here for her blog, find fanfic previews and fake WSPR newscasts on her YouTube, find podcasts that look back to old shows and audios of her fanfics on Blog Talk Radio, and finally follow her on Twitter and Facebook.