Posts Tagged ‘Quench Me’

Quench Me by Amy

January 30, 2017

To make it easier to direct people to this story I wanted to put all the chapter links in a single post, in other words do a link roundup. This story is in the Nonmob fanfic category. I’m still missing a few chapters, but most of them are here.

Danny in Spaulding Office

“Quench Me” – Michelle accidentally goes into the wrong office at Spaulding, meets Danny and her world is never the same again 😉 (Chapter 1) (Chapter 2) (Chapter 3) (Chapter 4) (Chapter 5) (Chapter 6) (Chapter 7) (Chapter 8) (Chapter 9) (Chapter 10) (Chapter 11) (Chapter 12) (Chapter 13) (Chapter 14) (Chapter 15) (Chapter 16) (Chapter 17) (Chapter 18) (Chapter 19) (Chapter 20) (Chapter 21) (Chapter 22) (Chapter 23) (Chapter 24) (Chapter 25) (Chapter 26) (Chapter 27) (Chapter 28) (Chapter 29) (Chapter 30) (Chapter 31) (Chapter 32) (Chapter 33) (Chapter 34) (Chapter 35) (Chapter 36) (Chapter 37) (Chapter 38) (Chapter 39) (Chapter 40) (Chapter 41) (Conclusion)

Archived Links Version Click on Title (Chapter 1) (Chapter 1) (Chapter 1) (Ch 6-7) (Ch 10-11) (Ch 12-13) (Ch 14-15) (Ch 19-20) (Chapter 21) (Ch 22-23) (Ch 24-25) (Ch 29-30) (Ch 31-32) (Chapter 36) (Chapter 37) (Chapter 39) (Chapter 40)

Robansuefarm is the handle of one of Manny and Guiding Light‘s biggest fans following in her family’s footsteps of Guiding Light fandom since 1939. This blog is an effort to make it easy to find Guiding Light and especially Manny online. Check back here for her blog, find fanfic previews and fake WSPR newscasts on her YouTube, find podcasts that look back to old shows and audios of her fanfics on Blog Talk Radio, and finally follow her on Twitter and Facebook.

Quench Me by Amy – Conclusion

August 18, 2011

Republisher’s Note: This is the final chapter of Quench Me. Another Manny fanfic will be restored starting tomorrow.

Author’s Note: Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters. All lyrics are in italics are from the song “Blessed”, written by Travon Potts & Brock Walsh. The song can be found on Christina Aguilera’s self-titled CD.

Quench Me by Amy – Conclusion

“You look absolutely smashing,” I say to Danny as we make our way up the sidewalk toward the Country Club.

I nearly fainted when I saw him walk out of the bathroom wearing a tuxedo earlier this evening. I knew that he would look gorgeous, no matter what he wore, but never did I expect a tux. He told me that since he didn’t have to wear a tux for our wedding, he figured he could stand to wear it for our reception.

“I could say the same for you,” he replies, stopping just outside the door. “You are some kind of fine in that dress.”

He gently toys with the spaghetti strap of my soft peach dress, and his eyes travel toward the plunging scoop neck line. He leans down and places sweet kisses along my collar bone, and whispers, “Are you sure we have to go in? Can’t we just go home and be alone?”

Smacking him in the butt with my beaded hand bag, I answer, “You are so naughty! You know we can’t disappoint Rick and all our guests, but I promise I’ll make it up to you later.”

“I’m holding you to that,” he answers, as he swings open the front door.

Quickly, we make our way to the party room, music and commotion already audible in the hallway. Our attempt to make a sneaky entrance is thwarted once Rick notices that we’ve arrived.

“There’s the happy couple!” Rick exclaims, as he crosses the room. As he reaches where Danny and I are standing, he continues. “My sister and her husband… Michelle and Danny Santos.”

Applause echoes throughout the room, as I begin to take notice of the guests. I knew that Rick invited practically the entire town, but I didn’t expect that everyone would actually show up. Phillip and Harley are across the room, sipping champagne and talking with Frank, Eleni, and Buzz. Carmen and Pilar are seated at a small table, and I’m pleased to see that Matt and Vanessa are seated with them. Carmen Santos didn’t exactly have a stellar reputation when she left the country, so it makes me happy that Vanessa is being cordial. I’m sure that Carmen and Pilar are telling Matt and Vanessa about their plans for the creative arts center in Madrid, and I’m positive that Vanessa will be most impressed. Ross and Blake Marler are standing near the enormous picture window on the opposite wall, with Holly Reade and Billy Lewis. Josh and Reva join them momentarily, and I smile when I notice how close Billy and Holly have become. It’s about time Bill’s father found some happiness in his life. Ray stands near the terrace doors, surrounded by several people who I don’t recognize. Danny tells me that they are several of his colleagues from Spaulding, as well as a couple of boyhood friends who are now a part of Ray’s parish.

Just as Danny and I start to make our way around the room to greet our guests, I feel a slight tap on my shoulder. I whirl around and my mouth flies open in surprise when I see Bill Lewis.

“Bill!” I scream as I throw my arms around my best friend. I haven’t seen Bill in over a year. He landed a great job with a huge software design company, and promptly moved to Boston and began working his fingers to the bone.

“You think I’d miss this, Michelle?” Bill replies, as we both take a step back to survey the other. “You look great. Marriage must agree with you.”

“It does!” I say. “And you don’t look bad yourself!”

“You must be Danny,” Bill says, looking over my shoulder at Danny.

Danny reaches out to shake Bill’s hand, saying, “And you must be Bill. Michelle has told me so much about you.”

“Yeah, we’ve known each other our entire lives,” Bill replies. “That’s why I couldn’t say no when Rick called and invited me. He wanted to surprise you.”

Just then, I notice the beautiful brunette standing to Bill’s right, slightly behind him. “Looks like you didn’t come alone,” I say slyly.

Bill reaches behind him and takes the lovely woman by the hand. “Michelle, Danny, this is Sherri Wilder. Sherri, this is my best friend Michelle, and her husband Danny.” Danny and I are busy greeting Sherri, when Bill adds, “Sherri and I are getting married.”

“Bill! You’re engaged!” I exclaim, hugging him first and then Sherri. “I’m so happy for both of you. When is the big day?”

“I think we’ll take things a tad bit slower than the two of you did,” Bill jokes.

“We haven’t set an exact date yet,” Sherri says. “Hopefully it will be sometime in December. I hope the two of you can come.”

“Oh absolutely,” I reply. “As soon as you set the date, let us know, and we’ll make plans.”

After a few moments, Bill and Sherri excuse themselves to find Billy, Vanessa, and Matt. Danny and I make our way around the room, and manage to greet everyone in record time. I still can’t believe what a huge event this turned out to be. Rick has really outdone himself, yet again.

“Excuse me, can I have your attention,” Rick says as he steps up to the microphone. “I’d like to make a toast.”

A quiet hush falls over the room, and all eyes are on Rick as he continues. “My little sister has always done things by the book, so when she came to me and told me that she got married one weekend while I was out of town, my first reaction was disbelief.”

Gentle laughter rumbles through the crowd, and I feel Danny slip his arm around my waist and pull me closer to him.

“But then I saw the look of complete joy in her eyes, and I knew that she was happier than she’s ever been. I could say so many good things about Michelle, because as you all know, I’m as proud as a big brother could possibly be, but tonight, I just want to celebrate with her, and with Danny.”

The warmth of Rick’s smile touches my heart, and I feel tears begin to form in my eyes as he goes on. “Michelle, I love you so much, and all I’ve ever wanted for you was happiness. I have no doubt that you’ve found it. You and Danny are proof that true love does in fact exist in this world, and I want nothing but the best for both of you. So please, everyone, join me in honoring my sister and her husband. To Danny and Michelle.”

Glasses of champagne are raised all across the room, as I notice a lovely woman in an emerald green suit enter the room, directly behind Rick. She makes her way to my brother, and when he sees her, his arms encircle her completely. It’s then that I realize who the woman is, and I’m completely astounded. I grab Danny’s hand and practically drag him across the room.

“Rick?” I softly question as we near him.

He takes Abby’s hand and says, “Abby and I ran into each other in Dallas.”

“In Dallas?” I say. “I knew there was something different about you when you came back from that trip.” My eyes back and forth between Rick and Abby, taking in the smiles on both their faces.

“I was speaking at the convention,” Abby explains. “I had no idea that Rick would be there. We saw each other in the lobby of the convention center, and all those old feelings came flooding back.”

“We realized that we gave up too quickly,” Rick interjects. “We spent the entire weekend talking, the way we didn’t talk all those months ago. We still love each other, Michelle, and we realized that the problems between us could be resolved, with time and effort. And we’re willing to put forth the effort. We want to put our relationship back together.”

I’m totally stunned, and it must show on my face, because Abby quickly continues. “I know that I hurt Rick a lot when I left, and I don’t expect to erase that pain. But I love your brother, and he’s the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. I flew in from Washington tonight because I wanted to be here, for this family celebration. I want to be a part of this family again.”

Without another word, I embrace Abby, and silently thank God for bringing her back to my brother and to our family. “Abby,” I quietly begin. “I want you to meet my husband, Danny Santos.”

“Rick has told me so much about you, Danny,” Abby says, as she and Danny greet one another. “I’m so glad to finally meet the man who has made Michelle so happy.”

We’re busy introducing Abby to Carmen and Pilar, and Bill’s new fiancee’, when I see Rick slip out of the room. I almost go after him, but stop myself, knowing that he’s probably got something else up his sleeve and I don’t want to ruin it for him. As quickly as Rick left the room, he reappears, and with his index finger motions for me to join him near the door. I leave Danny standing with Abby and the rest of the crowd, and swiftly make my way to where Rick is standing.

“I have one more surprise for you, Michelle,” he says.

“You’ve already gone to way too much trouble, Rick,” I scold. “I don’t know if I can stand another surprise.”

“I think you’ll like this one,” he replies, as he opens the door to the hallway.

My heart pounds and my knees almost give way as I see him. There, standing directly in front of me, is my father, Ed Bauer. A million questions run through my mind, as well as a million nasty remarks that I’d like to make to my father, but none of them come out of my mouth. All I can focus on is that my father is here, for my wedding reception, and I can do nothing but go to him and allow him to hug me, the way a father hugs his daughter.

“Daddy,” is all I manage to say before the tears come vigorously.

“I’m so sorry for everything, Michelle,” he says, and I realize that he too is crying. “I regret so many things.”

For this moment, his words are enough. There are many things that need to be said between us, but for now, his presence and his words are enough. I couldn’t stop my heart from opening to him if I tried.

Somewhere, in the midst of all this, Danny finds his way to where we are. As I look up and see him, the smile on his face tells me that he understands. He understands that finally, my father has given me what I needed… in much the same way his own mother did for him a few days ago. Our marriage has not only given us immeasurable happiness, but it has also brought our parents back into our lives, the way we needed them to be.

“Danny, this is my father, Ed Bauer,” I say, reaching out to put my arm around my husband’s waist. “And Daddy, this is my husband, Danny Santos.”

“It’s good to meet you, Dr. Bauer,” Danny says, still a bit reserved knowing how much my father’s absence has hurt me in the past.

“Likewise,” my father replies. “I can see that you’ve made my little girl a very happy woman.”

“I’m a very lucky man, Dr. Bauer,” Danny says.

Once again, Rick makes his way to the microphone and claims everyone’s attention. “I know this isn’t a traditional wedding reception, but we are celebrating my sister’s marriage, so I thought it would be nice for Michelle and Danny to have the traditional first dance.”

There’s no possible way we can refuse with everyone clapping their hands and nodding, and to be honest, I don’t want to refuse. I love to dance with Danny, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate all the wonderful things that I’m feeling than by dancing with my husband.

Hand in hand, we make our way to the center of the room, and Danny takes me in his arms. The music begins, and I’m struck once again by how naturally and perfectly our bodies fit together. We were born for one another. There’s no doubt in my mind.

When I think, how life used to be Always walking in the shadows Then I look at what you’ve given me I feel like dancing on my tip toes I must say every day I wake And realize you’re by my side

I know I’m truly blessed For everything you give me Blessed, for all the tenderness you show I’ll do my best, with every breath that’s in me Blessed – to make sure you never go

Danny presses his forehead to mine, and stares into my eyes, the way he’s done so many times before. And like every time before, his eyes transport me to a magical place that only he and I share. The smile that crosses his face is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, and my heart races even faster as he whispers, “I love you”, and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

There are times, that I test your faith ‘Til you think you might surrender And baby I’m… I’m not ashamed to say That my hopes were growing slender You walked by, in the nick of time Looking like an answered prayer

I know I’m truly blessed For everything you give me Blessed, for all the tenderness you show I’ll do my best, with every breath that’s in me Blessed – to make sure you never go

“I can’t believe everything that’s happened,” I say. “First your mother and Pilar, then Abby, and now my dad.”

“I know,” he whispers back. “It’s amazing.”

“But the most amazing thing of all is the way that you love me,” I reply. “You are the greatest blessing of my life.”

“And you’re mine,” he says, as he holds my body tightly to his.

I’m blessed with love and understanding blessed when I hear you call my name I’ll do my best, with faith that’s never ending Blessed – to make sure you feel the same

Deep inside of me You fill me with your gentle touch

“This is forever, Michelle,” Danny whispers. “I don’t care what we go through, I’ll never give up on you. We’ll always be together. I promise.”

“I’ll never give up on you either,” I softly answer. “I promise.”

“And you will always be the most important part of my life,” he replies. “Nothing or no one will ever come before you.”

“And I will never ask you to be anything besides what you are,” I say. “I’ll always love you for exactly who you are.”

“We’ve learned a lot from our parent’s mistakes, haven’t we?” he quietly asks.

Nodding, I say, “And we won’t make the same ones.”

“Never,” he says. “I love you with everything in me, Michelle.”

“I love you too, Danny,” I say, smiling up at him. “As long as I have breath in my body, and beyond.”

I know I’m truly blessed For everything you give me Blessed, for all the tenderness you show I’ll do my best, with every breath that’s in me Blessed – to make sure you never go

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 41

August 17, 2011

Republisher’s Note: We meet a reformed Carmen Santos.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 41

After the Bauer Barbecue, Danny returned to work at Spaulding and I resumed my part-time work at the hospital. After a week and a half, we’re settling nicely into our new “routine” – getting up in the morning, going to work, having dinner together at night, and all the other things that make newlywed life such a novelty. We even do the laundry together, which has proved to be quite an interesting and even erotic task. Earlier this week, I went to the university and changed the name on my transcript from “Michelle Bauer” to “Michelle Bauer Santos”, and gave them my new address to be used for any and all mailings to me.

It’s now early on Thursday evening. Danny and I just finished a light dinner, and he’s in his office returning a few phone calls. He promised me he’d be less than thirty minutes, and then I could have him all to myself. I curl up on the sofa with a mystery novel and a glass of wine, content to wait until my husband has finished what he needs to do, and then the rest of the evening will be ours. After several minutes, I’m distracted from the pages of my latest Patricia Cornwell novel by the ringing of the doorbell. I lay my book on the end table and gingerly set my glass of wine beside it, before getting up to answer the door. I think to myself that it’s a good thing I’m still in my capri jeans and white tee shirt, rather than the skimpy teddy I considered changing into when Danny went to his office.
I check my appearance in the large mirror that hangs in the foyer, making sure that my curly hair didn’t become too unruly as I lounged on the sofa. When I’m satisfied that I look well enough, I grab the door knob and open the front door. What I see before me sends shock waves through me. I know exactly who these people are because I’ve seen their pictures on the mantle in the living room. Just then, I hear Danny’s footsteps fast approaching, for which I’m extremely thankful, because I am to stunned to speak. “Who is it?” he calls, just before he reaches the door.

He’s as stunned as I am, and he literally stops in his tracks when he sees who is standing at our front door. “Mother? Pilar?” he questions audibly, as he opens the door wider and motions for them to come into the house. “What are you doing here?”

“Danny, when Pilar told me that about your phone call, she said that you sounded so very happy,” Carmen explains. “And we decided that we just had to come and see for ourselves.”

Carmen reaches out and embraces her son, while Pilar looks on with a proud expression. I’m still standing behind Danny, completely astounded by this turn of events. Danny’s rather morbid descriptions of his mother spring to my mind, and looking at the tender scene before me now, I wonder if something has changed in her, softened her.

“This must be your Michelle,” Carmen says, gesturing toward me.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Danny says. “I’m just so surprised that I forgot to introduce you.” He reaches for my hand and pulls me to his side. “This is my mother, Carmen, and this is my sister, Pilar.” Encircling my waist with his arm and holding me tightly to him, he continues, “And this is my wife, Michelle.”

The two women and I shake hands and exchange pleasantries, as we walk into the living room. “I still can’t believe that you came all this way,” Danny said.

“Danny,” Pilar begins. “I always knew that you would find someone special, and when you called, I was so excited for you. I wanted to meet Michelle, and thank her for making you so happy.”

Carmen takes a seat in one of the plush chairs, and says, “Yes Michelle, thank you for making my son so happy.”

I smile genuinely at them both and answer, “I’m just returning the favor. Danny makes me very happy.”

I look up at my husband and see traces of tears beginning to form in his eyes. “So, how is Europe? What are the two of you doing over there?”

“That’s part of the reason we’re here, Danny,” Pilar says. “We wanted to tell you what our plans are.”

Danny looks questioningly at his mother and his sister, as he takes a seat next to me on the sofa. He places his hand on my knee, the way he always does, as a reminder that we are not only physically connected, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Not knowing what he is about to hear, I can tell that he needs to feel that connection to me.

“My life changed when you left the business,” Carmen begins. “I was angry. I was hurt. When I left the country, I thought I was punishing you for abandoning me. But now I realize that you didn’t abandon me. You opened a new door for me. You forced me to see life in a different way.”

Danny is clearly dumbfounded. “I don’t understand,” is all he manages to say, before he drops his head and commences staring at the floor.

The look in Carmen’s eyes is soft and tender – the kind of look I’d expect to see on a mother’s face – as she continues. “Once I got to Europe, I realized that I felt free. I’d never felt that way before. And then it dawned on me that this was what you wanted for yourself. All you wanted was your freedom… freedom to be whoever you wanted, not the person that this family expected you to be. Before that realization, I’d never even considered what I wanted for myself. My ‘wants’ had never been important. The same obligations that were inflicted on me, I attempted to inflict on you, and for that, Daniel, I am very sorry.”

With the hand that is not on my knee, Danny gently kneads the muscles on the back of his neck. I can’t read his facial expression, but his body language tells me that he is confused and moved, all at once.

“I want to take my life and do something worthwhile with it,” Carmen presses on. “For the past year, Pilar and some of her friends have been working on plans for an creative arts center for underprivileged children. They want to create a place where children, who might otherwise not be able to afford it, can come after school and take art lesson, music lessons, even learn to dance. They have been trying to obtain enough funding, but so far, they’ve come up short. I have plenty of money, Danny. I’m not proud of the way I got it, but I can do something good with it now. I can help young children find a sense of purpose in their lives. I can give them the opportunity to do things that they love. I can foster the dreams that they have, the way I never did with you.”

I wipe the tears that are now falling freely from my eyes, and then wrap my arms around my husband’s neck. “Isn’t that wonderful, Danny?” I ask, as I gently kiss his cheek.

“I don’t know what to say,” Danny replies.

“It’s going to be a wonderful place,” Pilar interjects. “The building will be in one of Madrid’s poorest sections, so that it will be within walking distance for most of the children. I will be teaching the children how to paint and sculpt, and all sorts of other things. My friend Nina will be giving dance lessons. And my friend, Ricardo, will be giving music lessons.”

“Friend!” Carmen exclaims. “Don’t let her fool you, Danny. She and Ricardo are more than friends.”

“Mother!” Pilar protests.

I chuckle softly at their banter, and watch as Danny takes in the sight of his mother, in a way he’s never done before. “I’m so proud of you,” he says. “Both of you.”

Tears spring from Carmen’s eyes and she answers, “I was so hoping that you would say that, son. I’m proud of you, too. There’s just one thing.”

“What?” Danny says, smiling over at me, and then at his mother.

“I didn’t get to see you get married,” Carmen replies with a grin.

“Michelle and I kept it pretty private,” Danny answers. “Even though it was a sudden marriage, it wasn’t a sudden decision.”

“Just as long as you’re happy,” she says. “And I can certainly tell that you are indeed happy.”

“Wait a minute!” I suddenly pipe up. “How long are you going to be in town?”

“We hadn’t planned on staying long,” Pilar answers. “We have so much work to do back in Madrid.”

“At least stay through Saturday,” I say. “My brother wasn’t exactly thrilled that we got married without him, so he insisted on throwing us a reception. If you stay through the weekend, you’d be able to come.” I glance at Danny and smile. “Danny and I want all our loved ones to be there.”

“Can you stay?” Danny asks, the hopefulness in his voice clearly evident.

“Pilar?” Carmen questions. “We can stay until after the reception.”

“Yes,” Pilar says excitedly. “For this happy occasion, we can most definitely stay!”

The look on my husband’s face tells me just how significant this moment is. His mother has found what Danny fought so hard for… freedom. She’s found the liberating feeling of being able to do what she wants and be who she wants. She’s become the mother he’s wanted and needed for so long. She finally understands him.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 40

August 16, 2011

Republisher’s Note: We spend a lovely day at the Bauer BBQ.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 40

“Looks like we’re the first ones here,” Danny says, as he turns my Mitsubishi into the driveway of the “Bauer House”.

“Good,” I say, feeling surprisingly calm. “We’ll get a chance to talk to him before anyone else gets here.”

“Nervous?” he asks, as he turns off the ignition.

“Not really,” I answer. “Just curious.”

As we walk toward the house, Danny takes my right hand, hiding the wedding band on his left hand, as we lace our fingers together. I bury my left hand in the pocket of my overall shorts, concealing my rings from view. As we got dressed this morning, I searched through the boxes of my clothes for something with deep pockets, and I chose these overalls specifically for the purpose of hiding my rings, until I was ready for them to
be seen. Danny chuckled at me, as I stuck my hands into the pockets of at least a dozen pairs of shorts and pants, before finally settling on the overalls. He said whatever the reason, he was glad I decided on the overalls, because he thought I looked sexy in them. He’s such a darling, and I silently promise myself that when we get home, I’ll model them for him, without a shirt on underneath. I can’t help but notice that the patio is already decorated, as we make our way around the side of the house. Rick has really outdone himself, and it brings a warm smile to my face, as I think of how far he’s come since Abby left. I wondered how he would handle this special occasion without her, and I’m happy to see that he’s starting to make new memories for himself. Just then, Rick emerges from the house, already clad in his red and white striped apron, wielding various grilling utensils. Dallas must’ve really agreed with him, because he cut his hair shorter, and there’s a twinkle in his eye that I’ve not seen in a long time.

“Hi guys!” he shouts from across the patio. He drops the utensils on the table beside the grill and quickly makes his way to where Danny and I are standing. Danny lets go of my hand and quickly shoves his left hand into his jeans pocket, as Rick leans down to hug me. I hug back, but only with my right arm… my left hand is still hidden in my pocket.
“How was Dallas?” I ask, as we make our way across the patio.

“Dallas was great,” he answers. “But first, tell me about your weekend.”

“Well, that’s why we got here a little early,” I say. “We wanted to tell you what we did this weekend.”

Rick opens the door to the house, and motions for us to go inside. “You don’t have to give me all the details, Michelle,” he says sarcastically, as he takes a seat at the kitchen table. Danny and I take seats directly across from him, strategically placing our hands so as not to give anything away just yet. I say a silent prayer that this will go well, before taking a deep breath and beginning.

“You already know that Danny and I had some special plans,” I say.

“Yes,” Rick replies. “You told me that in your message.”

“Well, they were really, really special plans, Rick,” I say, beginning to stammer over my words. “I’m just going to come right out and say it,” I finally manage. “We got married Friday.”

Immediately, a tense hush falls over the room, and I feel my heart begin to race. To have been so calm before, I’m certainly significantly agitated now, as I wait for my brother’s response. Danny’s breathing is now completely audible, and I can hear him shifting nervously in his seat next to me. Rick’s hands are clasped together, resting on the table. He stares at them as if they’re somehow magical, the muscles in his forehead now crinkled with deep thought. Finally, he begins to move. I brace myself, as Rick slowly looks from me, then to Danny, and then back to me. I can’t interpret the look on his face, and beneath the table, Danny places a strong hand on my knee as a sign of support. The long, silent moment is made even longer, as Rick inhales and exhales loudly.

“You got married?” he whispers.

I nod my head, not knowing what else to say. Finally finding his voice, Danny comes to my rescue. “Rick, please don’t think that Michelle and I did this on a whim. We didn’t. This is something that we’d both been thinking about for some time, and suddenly, Friday night, we just realized that the time was right.”

“Married?” Rick whispers again, and I can tell that he’s waiting for me to say something. Confused, he asks, “Did you go to Las Vegas?”

“No,” I answer tentatively. “We got married at St. Michael’s.”

“Ray married us,” Danny interjects.

“Ray married you?” Rick repeats, as the kitchen door opens.

Turning to see who it is, I’m both happy and relieved to see Ray walking in. “Yes, I did,” Ray says. “And I wouldn’t have done it if I thought for a moment that they weren’t sure.”

“Rick, you can’t be surprised,” I say. “I know this wasn’t how you expected us to tie the knot, but you knew how serious this was. We love each other, Rick,” I go on, as I reach across the table and take my brother’s hands in mine. “He’s the one. I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

He turns my hands over in his, and studies the rings on my left hand. He looks to Danny and softly asks, “You love my sister?”

“More than anything,” Danny answers. “She means everything to me, Rick, and I promise you that I’ll take care of her, and make her happy.”
Rick turns his attention back to me. “You’re happy, Michelle?” he quietly asks.

Smiling, I answer, “Happier than I ever thought I could be. Please be happy for us Rick.”

He reaches across the table and softly touches my cheek. “How could I not be happy when I see the look on your face?”

A tear trickles down my face as I stand up and walk to the other side of the table. Embracing my brother, the only person in my family who has truly been a part of my life since my mother died, I say genuinely, “Thank you, Rick. You’re blessing means so much to me… to us.”

Danny is now standing up, and Rick reaches over and shakes his hand. “I don’t know how you did it, but you managed to snag the best girl in the entire world,” Rick says.

“I know,” Danny says, grabbing my hand and pulling me to his side. “I know.”

“You know, Michelle, you deprived me of something,” Rick says. “I didn’t get to walk you down the aisle.”

“I would’ve been honored to have you give me away,” I say honestly. “And if you hadn’t already left for Dallas, we would’ve called you.”

“I always thought you’d have a big, elaborate wedding,” my brother jokes. “You always did things in a ‘flashy’ way.”

“Well, considering the situation with both of our families, it just didn’t seem like the thing to do. The idea of a big wedding just didn’t appeal to us,” I reply.

Understanding what I mean, Rick looks over my shoulder toward the mantle, where a picture of my mother sits. “I understand,” he answers. “Have you called Dad?”

“No,” I say. “I don’t even know how to get a hold of him. I haven’t forgotten all those times we tried to call him, only to come up empty, or hear him say that he doesn’t have time to talk to us. I’m just not ready to deal with that kind of disappointment.”

Rick nods in understanding. “Have you told your family, Danny?”

“I called my sister yesterday,” Danny answers. “My mother wasn’t there, but I’m sure that Pilar told her. She was happy for us, but they seem to have their own life in Europe now, so I wasn’t expecting a lot of fanfare from either one of them.”

“I have an idea,” Rick suddenly exclaims. “Let me throw you a reception!”

“A reception?” I ask. “What are you talking about?”
“Since you didn’t have a big wedding, at least let me do this for you,” he pleads. “We’ll rent a room at the Country Club, and have food and cake and champagne! We can invite anyone and everyone you want to, and we can all celebrate your happiness.”

I look up at Danny, and he’s grinning from ear to ear. I know that he worried all weekend about how Rick would take the news of our marriage, and seeing how excited Rick is, makes him very happy. Danny answers Rick before I even have a chance to. “Michelle and I would be honored, Rick. Thank you.”

“Terrific! It’ll be a fantastic party!” Rick exclaims. “We can even have dancing!”

The kitchen door flies open, and the four of us turn quickly to see Phillip and Harley bouncing into the kitchen.

“What’s going on in here?” Phillip asks with a smirk. “There’s going to be dancing at the Bauer Barbecue?”

“Nope,” Rick says. “At Danny and Michelle’s reception.”

“We got married this weekend,” Danny says to his boss, through a wide, beaming smile.

“Michelle!” Harley shrieks. “You eloped?”

“Well, sort of,” Danny and I answer in unison.

“Phillip and I eloped, you know,” Harley replies. “It’s really the only way to go!”

“OK everybody!” Rick shouts above all the excitement. “I’ve got Bauer Burgers to grill, so let’s all head outside. My sister’s big announcement WILL NOT take precedence over my culinary skills today!”

Laughing and light-hearted, we all make our way to the patio. Several times throughout the afternoon, I managed to steal a glance at my husband, when he didn’t know I was looking. The look of ease and happiness on his face overwhelmed me, as I realized that we are celebrating our very first holiday as a family, and I promise myself, that this new, improved family that we’ve created together, will be better than anything either one of us had when we were growing up.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 39

August 15, 2011

Republisher’s Note: A nice day 2 of honeymoon scene.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 39

“I guess we can forget about breakfast,” Danny says with a smile, as he pulls a pair of khaki pants over his tight ass, which is completely void of boxer shorts or underwear of any sort.

“I knew it was a bad idea for you to join me in the shower,” I retort, buttoning up my navy blue shirt from the night before. Thanks to the fact that I folded my clothes neatly on the bathroom vanity last night before Danny and I made love, they’re still fairly free of wrinkles, and none of my buttons went flying across the room as my clothes were ripped from my body.

“I didn’t hear you complaining,” he smirks, as he tucks a short sleeved, red polo shirt into his trousers.

“And you never will,” I reply, sitting down on the side of the bed to slip my loafers onto my feet.

“So, since we missed breakfast, where do you want to go for lunch?” he asks, reaching for his wallet and keys which are laying on the desk. “Company?”

“That’s fine,” I answer, and then realization hits me. “But what will we tell people? No one knows that we’re married.”

“We’ve been in Company together lots of times before, Michelle,” he answers, smiling sweetly at me from across the room. “And practically everyone knows that we’re together. I don’t think anyone will find it odd that we’re having lunch together on a Saturday.”

“But we’re wearing wedding rings,” I reply.

“Maybe no one will notice,” he says coyly, as he walks over and kisses the top of my head.

I raise my left hand in front of my face, and say, “This is pretty obvious,” referring to the gold band and sizable rock on my ring finger. “Buzz would notice, even if no one else did.”

Taking my left hand and placing a kiss next to my rings, he replies, “You’re probably right.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell people,” I say quickly. “I do. I want everyone to know that you’re my husband. But, I just want to tell Rick before we let the rest of the world know. And, I figured you might like to call your sister and your mother.”

“I’ll call them later today,” Danny says, now taking both of my hands and pulling me to my feet. “As for the rest of the world, they’ll just have to wait until we get the chance to tell your brother.”

I tip-toe up and place a soft kiss on his lips, and say, “I love you.”

“I love you,” he replies. “Now, I have an idea about lunch.”

“What?” I ask.

“We could go back to that little restaurant that I took you to on our first date. It’s far enough out of town, and even though I’ve been there several times, they don’t really know me there. I don’t think we’ll see anyone we know.”

“Mmmmmm,” I say, as if in deep thought. “Our first date… a very fond memory.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I sent you all sorts of mixed signals, and sent you into a migraine episode,” he says.

“Hey, but the up-side to all of that was that I got the pleasure of you taking care of me, and spending the night here for the first time,” I answer, my hands playfully caressing the hair on the back of his neck.

“Well, however it started, we ended up here, and for that, I’m infinitely grateful,” he says, leaning down to softly kiss my earlobe.

“If we’re going to go out for lunch, we better leave now before we get sidetracked again,” I say, gently shoving him away from me.

Grabbing my hand and pulling me toward the door, he replies, “Let’s go. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we get back.”


Lunch was fabulous, and he was right, we saw no one that we knew, so no one is Springfield is any the wiser about out marital status. Before going home, we make a quick drive over to Rick’s house… now my former home… and load several boxes of my things into my Mitsubishi. I make one more trip up to my old bedroom, and quickly fill a travel bag with my make-up, toothbrush, deodorant, shower gel, curling iron, and all the other various hygiene items that I regularly use.

Hopping into our respective vehicles, Danny and I make a bee-line for the nearest grocery store, determined to buy enough food that we don’t have to leave the house for the next two days. The annual July 4th Bauer Barbecue is on Monday, and until then, Danny and I want to spend all our time alone together, at home, as naked as we choose to be.

When we get inside the grocery store, it doesn’t take us long to start filling our shopping cart. I’m busy selecting the perfect loaf of french bread, when Danny runs up behind me and throws a box of cereal into the cart. I look down into the cart and immediately start to laugh.

“Fruity Pebbles?” I ask through my giggles.

“I confess,” he says. “I’ve never gotten over my fascination with kid’s cereal.”

Still laughing, we make our way to the produce section, and the chill from the carefully timed water-sprayers makes goose bumps rise on my arms. Danny runs his hands up and down my arms to warm me, stopping frequently to toss bananas, strawberries, kiwi, and grapes into the cart.

After stocking up on a few more staple items, such as milk, cheese, and eggs, and a few more frivolous things like potato chips and ice cream, we’re ready to head for home. Pushing the cart out of the dairy section and toward the check-out lanes, I see Danny turn around and grab something and hold it behind his back.

When I look up at him, he’s smiling that devilish smile that always makes me melt. “What have you got behind you’re back?” I say, pretending to be perturbed at him.

He says nothing, and I watch as he gently lays a can of whipped cream into bottom of the shopping cart. I hold back my laughter as I feel my cheeks start to flush. As I look up at my smiling husband, he simply shrugs his shoulders and says, “I thought it might come in handy.”

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 38

August 14, 2011

Republisher’s Note: Once again, note the author gave an explicit nature warning about this chapter.

Author’s Note: This chapter is R/NC 17.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 38

As I lie here, watching my sleeping husband, I can’t help but think about the transformation that’s taken place in him since we met. Oh, he’s still the same Danny… a little rough around the edges, at times a complete smart-ass… but the tough-as-nails exterior has melted away and allowed the kind, gentle man that he really is to shine through. Three months ago, I ended up in his office, very much by accident, and he was totally “rude and thoughtless”, as I described it. But even then, I was drawn to him, in a way so strong and so powerful that I can’t explain it, and now we lie naked in this bed together, husband and wife, connected in a way that goes beyond all logic and reason. Until now, I never truly appreciated the fact that matters of the heart cannot be described with words. Love is more than a feeling, more than romance… it is the way two people connect in the way they were meant to – heart, soul, body, and mind – and it’s more powerful than the majority of the population will ever realize. Danny’s love has consumed me, absorbed me, quenched me, and it is the most amazing, marvelous feeling in the entire universe.

The soft navy blue sheet starts at his waist, and covers the length of his legs, except for his left leg, which is exposed from about the knee down. His skin is glistening in the light of the large candle on the night stand which is still burning, and his coffee brown curls lay softly across his pillow, completely unruly from our love-making. He’s a breathtakingly beautiful human being, and as I study every line, every inch of him, my head still swims at the notion that he is truly mine… forever.

The clock on the night stand tells me that it’s six-thirty in the morning. Danny and I didn’t settle in for sleep until sometime after two o’clock, but I decide that I can’t lie here and look at him any longer without touching him. No matter how many times we made love last night – and there were quite a few times – I want him as much right now as I ever have. I cannot get enough of him. I’ll never get enough of him.

A slight smile grazes my husband’s lips, and the look of absolute happiness and contentment on his face nearly knocks the wind out of me. I reach out and trace his lips with my fingers, and his eyes begin to open under my touch.

“Hi sweetheart,” I whisper, as his eyes make contact with mine.

“Good morning, Mrs. Santos,” he replies in a lazy voice. “What time is it?”

“Six-thirty,” I answer.

“Why’d you let me sleep so long?” he asks with a grin, turning onto his side to face me. “There’s so much else we could’ve been doing.”

“It was all I could do to not wake you up an hour ago,” I answer. “But you looked so peaceful and so happy. I just watched you sleep and listened to you breathing and thanked God for this miracle.”

“You’re the miracle, Michelle,” he says, running his hand from my chin, down my neck, and over my shoulder. His touch sends waves of incredible sensations pummeling through my body, and I gently lift my hand to his face and lovingly caress his cheek.

“No… WE’RE the miracle, Danny,” I answer, as I lean in to softly kiss his lips. “THIS is the miracle.”

I open my mouth under his, reveling in the warm softness of his lips and his tongue, as he gently pushes me onto my back, leaning his own body over mine. The needy urgency of last night has been replaced by a slow, sweetness, as our bodies synchronize to each other in a dance that we have now memorized, yet is still fresh and new. He slides his hand down the side of my body, letting it come to rest in the curve above my hip. His other arm rests above my head, as his fingers entangle themselves in my hair. I place my hand on the back of his neck, gently kneading the skin and the muscles there. His mouth never leaves mine, and we stay this way for what seems like an hour, kissing and holding each other, not in a hurry to do anything else.

I feel his lips begin to form a smile, and my own quickly do the same. Gentle laughter gives way to unbridled passion as he grabs my body and rolls onto his back, pulling me on top of him. Both of his hands are now immersed in the mass of unkempt curls on my head as he forcefully pulls my mouth to his, crushing my lips with the demands of his own. Wiggling down his body, I feel him fully aroused and ready, and I sit up slightly, and glide myself onto him. Feeling my center envelope him, he sits up as well, arms around my back, holding me tightly to him. Sweat from our chests mingles together, and our skin presses together as if it were made that way. I’m reminded of Ray’s words during our wedding, challenging us to let our love be a circle, with no beginning and no end, so much so that we can’t tell one of us stops and the other begins. At this moment, as Danny lifts my body up and down, and our lips find their way back to each other, I know precisely what Ray meant. There is but one heart that beats between the two of us now… his and mine, inconceivably melded into one… and there is one body that lives between the two of us… his and mine, fashioned together by the undeniable, unbreakable love that we share.

“It’s a funny thing you do to me, Michelle,” Danny says to me, as we cuddle together in the afterglow of our love-making. “You fill something in me that I never knew existed. You satisfy me totally and completely, but at the same time, I want more, and I’m never satisfied. Does that make any sense?”

“Yes, it does,” I reply, snuggling my face into the crook of his neck. “It makes perfect sense. I know exactly what you mean.”

He places a gentle kiss on the top of my head, and whispers, “Yeah, I guess you do.”

“I feel the same way,” I say. “I’ll never get enough of you, and I’m not just talking about making love.”

“Making love to you is incredible, Michelle,” he says. “It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt. But it’s not just the physical feeling. It’s what it means that makes it so special, and so perfect. And as amazing as the sex is… and believe me, it IS amazing… it doesn’t even begin to show you how much I love you and how much you mean to me.”

“Well, you’ll just have to keep trying,” I joke, as I reach around to tickle him on his side. “And I’ll keep trying too.”

“You better believe I will,” he says, tickling me back. “But right now, I’m thinking we should probably eat breakfast. We skipped dinner last night, and I don’t know about you, but I worked up an appetite.”

“I can fix us something,” I say, jumping out of the bed and grabbing the shirt of Danny’s that I wore briefly last night.

“There’s nothing in the kitchen to fix,” he says, standing up and walking toward the bathroom. “It’s not like I did a lot of cooking, living here by myself. Let me take you out. It’ll be our first official outing as husband and wife.”

“OK,” I answer. “But I’ve got to take a shower first.”

“I’ll join you,” he says, following me into the bathroom. “I wouldn’t want you to get lonely in there.”

We close the door to the bathroom behind us, and prepare ourselves for our first day as a married couple.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 37

August 13, 2011

Republisher’s Note: The author has given this a near R rating. Trust her. She means it.

Author’s Note: This chapter is NC 17.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 37

An awkward moment passes between us as we stand outside the church next to Danny’s car. He’s fumbling with his keys, and I’m staring at my shoes. We’re both overwhelmed by the enormity of what we just did, and the incredibly special ceremony it was, and now, as we are faced with the reality of what comes next, neither one of us knows what to say. The silence is not born out of complacency or fear, but rather out of the meaning we know this night will hold for us.

It’s Danny who breaks the silence. “I can’t believe that I can’t come up with a single thing to say right now.”

I laugh slightly, as I reach up to caress his face. “It’s OK,” I reply. “I’m kind of short on words right now, too.”

He brings his hand up to his face, and takes my hand in his, placing it flat against his chest. “It’s just that I’ve never felt this way before. Never,” he says. “I love you so much, Michelle.”

Looking into his eyes, I say, “I love you too, Danny. What you said to me in there… every word… they were the most beautiful things I’ve ever heard.”

“I meant them, Michelle,” he answers, gently pulling me to him. “I meant every single word. And what you said to me… well… you took my breath away.”

“It was all true,” I respond. “I meant it from the bottom of my heart.”

“This is kind of weird, but I have to ask,” he says meekly. “Where do you want to go now? Do you want to get a hotel room somewhere, or would you like to go out of town?”

I place my hands on his cheeks and softly kiss his lips. “No, Danny, I want to go home.”

He smiles and kisses me back. “Home… our home. That sounds wonderful.”


As we wind our way down the road that leads to Danny’s house… our house… I pull my cell phone out of my purse and quickly dial the number to Rick’s cell phone. I hear a recorded message begin and quietly whisper to Danny, “It’s his voice mail.”

When the recording is finished, I speak quickly. “Rick, it’s me. I just wanted to let you know that Danny and I… we made some special plans for the weekend, so I won’t be home. So, don’t worry if you call the house and I’m not there. You can call my cell phone if there’s an emergency. We’ll be back for the fourth of July, so I’ll see you then. And Rick… I love you.”

“That was rather cryptic,” Danny says, as I slide the phone back into my purse.

“Well, I wasn’t going to tell him that we got married on a voice mail message,” I giggle.

“How will he react?” Danny asks, genuinely concerned.

“He’ll be surprised, I guess. Not because we got married, because I think he knew that things were headed this direction, but by the way we did it. He’ll be all right. He won’t really have a choice.”

“I just hope he’s happy for us,” Danny says.

I lean over toward him and lay my head on his shoulder. “As long as we’re happy, that’s all that really counts.”


As we walk through the front door of the house, it suddenly dawns on me that I don’t have a single piece of lingerie to wear tonight. My mind is trying desperately to come up with a back-up plan, when Danny notices the puzzled look on my face.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, as we make our way into the living room.

Somewhat embarrassed, I say quietly, “I just realized that I don’t have anything… you know… special… to wear tonight.”

His face breaks into a tender smile, as he says, “Yes you do.”

“What?” I ask. “The matching black bra and panties?” I roll my eyes sarcastically. “That’s not exactly wedding night caliber.”

“Well, I did notice how nice those were when you were changing clothes in your bedroom,” he answers. Crossing his arms and looking at me seriously, he goes on. “But I was thinking about your skin.”

“You always know the right thing to say,” I giggle. “I guess I just always thought our first time would be planned, you know? And, I’d have time to pick out the perfect thing to wear for you.”

He takes me in his arms, and replies, “I’ve been planning this night for a long time, and the fact that you didn’t go out and spend a lot of money on a sexy nightgown isn’t going to make it any less perfect.” He plants a kiss on my forehead, and says, “Now, I’m going to go find us a bottle of champagne and some nice music. Why don’t you go ahead upstairs, and I’ll meet you there.”

“You won’t get any arguments from me,” I answer, as I turn to head upstairs to the bedroom. “Hurry.”

Once inside the bedroom, I rummage through Danny’s clothes, and pull out a green button-up shirt, with long sleeves. “Perfect,” I think to myself, as I walk toward the bathroom. Once inside, I quickly shed my own clothing, and fold it neatly on the vanity. I put Danny’s shirt over my black bra and panties, roll the sleeves partially up, and button three buttons, leaving the top and bottom of the shirt open. I dig through my purse and find an elastic ponytail holder, and with lightening speed, pull my hair to the top of my head, letting my curls dance wildly.

“Michelle,” Danny calls as he comes into the bedroom.

“I’ll be right out,” I say, leaning against the bathroom door. I quickly check my appearance once more in the mirror before emerging into the bedroom.

I open the door quietly and peek out. I smile as I notice Danny lighting a candle on the desk, and another on the night stand. The lights are dimmed, and a bottle of champagne and two beautiful champagne flutes sit on the night stand. He’s unaware that I’m watching him, as he makes his way to the large stereo cabinet on the opposite wall to start the music. I’m still watching him as he opens his closet door and kicks his shoes and socks off. He drapes his sport jacket across the desk chair, and then pulls his tee shirt over his head. The sight of him in nothing but a pair of great-fitting black pants nearly knocks me over, and I decide I can wait no longer.

I step out into the bedroom, and close the bathroom door behind me. Danny hears the door closing and turns to face me.

“It’s the best I could do on such short notice,” I say, smiling at him, referring to my attire.

He stares at me for a long moment and finally says in a low whisper, “You look amazing. I’ve never seen you look so beautiful.”

“Thank you,” I reply, wanting him more by the second. “If that’s true, it’s because I’m not just me anymore. I’m your wife.”

“Yes, you are. You’re my wife, and I’d like to propose a toast to my wife,” he says, walking toward the night stand. He pours the champagne and hands me the glass, and then pours one for himself.

“To the woman who makes me complete,” he says. “My wife.”

He starts to raise his glass to mine, but I stop him. “To the man who made all my dreams come true,” I say. “My husband.”

We raise our glasses together and take a slow sip of the champagne, our eyes locked on each other. Danny takes the glass from my hand and sits them both back on the night stand, next to the bottle of bubbly. He reaches for my hands and brings them up around his neck. His hands find their way to the small of my back, and he presses his forehead down against mine, as our bodies begin to sway to the soft music. For what seems like an eternity, we stare into each other’s eyes, as we slowly move in circles. Neither one of us speaks. There are no words to describe our feelings at this moment. Our hearts are one. Our souls are one. And soon, our bodies will be one. Nothing else in the world matters but the two of us and the love that we share.

Finally, Danny lowers his mouth to mine. His tongue moves inside my mouth in a slow, deliberate motion. Hungry for more, I push my tongue deeper inside his mouth, grabbing his face with my hands for leverage. He understands my silent request, and slides his hands up my back, pressing himself against me.

I slowly move my hands down his chest, and wrap my arms around him, feeling the strong muscles of his back. His hands slide the rest of the way up my body, and he gently cups my face. Our mouths are still locked, and our tongues are still entwined. He moves his hands down my neck, and his thumbs begin softly caressing my collarbones. My body shivers at the feel of his hands on my tender flesh, and I ache for him to move them lower.

He removes his mouth from mine, and, through heavy, ragged breathing, says, “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe that you love me.” The look on his face is one of utter disbelief.

Again, our eyes lock together, and I gently reassure him that this is real. “I do, Danny. I love you so much. And I want you,” I say, taking his hands and moving them to my breasts. “I want all of you, and I want to give you all of me.”

The heat from his hands on my breasts is incredibly intense, and I have to consciously remind myself that I’m standing up, so that my knees don’t give way underneath me. I’m disappointed when he removes his hands and takes a step back. My disappointment turns to surprise as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, red jewelry box.

“I know we’re already married, but I picked this out for you at the jewelry store,” he says, opening the box. “We didn’t have a long engagement obviously, but I want you to have an engagement ring anyway.”

Tears stream down my face as he slides the beautiful diamond solitaire on my finger, quickly finding its place next to my wedding band. It’s a pear-shaped cut, and just by looking, I’d guess that it’s about a carat weight. Not too elaborate, but not simple either. Just perfect.

“Now I’m the one who can’t believe this is happening,” I say. “You didn’t have to do this Danny.”

“I wanted to, Michelle,” he answers. “I want to give you everything.”

“Thank you,” I reply, softly kissing his lips. “Thank you for loving me.”

What must be said next, cannot be said with words, and my pulse begins to race and my breathing becomes shallow, as I watch Danny’s hands undo the three buttons on the front of the shirt that I’m wearing. He inhales deeply as the shirt falls open, and he studies my body for a moment before sliding the shirt off my shoulders to the floor. He bends down and places light, feathery kisses just underneath my collarbones, his lips barely grazing the tops of my breasts. I lean my head back as I revel in the feeling of his breath on my chest. My breath catches in my throat as I feel his hands cupping my breasts through the satin material of my bra. His fingers move softly across my nipples, and I feel them tighten under his touch. He inches his mouth lower, and I nearly come out of my skin as I feel his tongue dip into the cleavage between my breasts.

He raises his mouth to mine again, his tongue probing my mouth like never before, and I take advantage of the opportunity to rid him of his pants. They fall to his ankles and he quickly kicks them off and out of the way. He takes my hands and pulls me with him, as he backs himself up to the bed. He quickly throws the comforter and sheets to the foot of the bed and sits down. He scoots to the middle of the mattress and motions for me to join him. He’s sitting “indian style”, and as I climb onto the bed, he pulls me to him. I’m on my knees in front of him, and he wraps his legs around mine.

His hands lovingly caress the skin on my stomach, and he lifts two fingers to his mouth and places a kiss on them, and sweetly presses the fingers to my navel. He smiles up at me, and my heart flutters wildly at his tender gesture. His hands find my shoulders, and he slides the straps of my bra down the upper part of my arms. He reaches around behind me and unhooks the back of my bra, and with one fluid motion, slides it all the way down my arms, and tosses it to the floor.

I expect him to ravish me now, but he doesn’t. Instead, his fingers make slow, soft strokes across my feverish flesh. He looks like he’s trying to memorize every inch of my body, as he places gentle kisses all over me, starting with the underside of my breasts, moving upward toward my nipples. By the time he takes one of them in his mouth, my body is quivering from his torturous assault. My hands find their way to his hair, quickly entangling in his curls, pressing him to me, willing him to take more of me. He moves to the other breast, his hands on the small of my back, holding me tightly to him.

When he finally looks up at me, his eyes are glazed over with passion, and mine must look the same, because he quickly grabs me and lays me back on the bed. He lays himself on his left side as my body sinks next to him into the coolness of the bed. He runs his hand along the outside of my left thigh, his face buried in the crook of my neck, his hot breath a mere reminder of what’s ahead.

I roll myself onto my side to face him, my mouth finding his again, our tongues once again diving deeper than ever before. I tug at the elastic waist in his silk boxer shorts, and he reaches down to help me. Together, we slide them halfway down his legs, and using my foot, I remove them the rest of the way. Where they ended up, I have no idea. He returns the favor as he yanks my panties from my body, throwing them to the floor. I gasp in pleasure, as his hand returns to the hot, wet place he’s touched before, and I quickly lift my left leg to give him better access. I wiggle my right hand out from under my side, reach between us, and close my fingers around him. He’s hot and throbbing, and as I begin to massage him, his eyes close tightly and his breathing becomes heavier.

“Danny,” I manage to say, as his fingers work magic on the most sensitive area of my body.

His eyes fly open, and he gets control of himself enough to say, “What baby?”

“Now Danny,” I beg. “Make love to me now.”

“Are you sure?” he says, as my fingers close tighter around him, causing him to let out a low, guttural moan.

I nod my head, and in an instant, he’s rolled me onto my back and positioned himself on top of me. “I won’t do this until you’re ready,” he whispers.

I spread my legs wide and place my hands on his face. “I’m ready, Danny,” I answer. “I want to feel you inside me.”

He takes a deep breath and slowly pushes his way inside me. He’s big, and I’m small, and before I can stop myself, a very small flinch of pain crosses my face, as my body tries to adjust to the size of him.

“God Michelle,” he gasps, as he leans his face down to mine. “Am I hurting you? I don’t want to hurt you.” His forearms are resting on either side of my head, and with his hands he pushes the loose strands of my hair off my sweaty forehead.

“No, you’re not hurting me,” I answer honestly, as the flinch of pain gives way to a magnificent feeling of fullness. “It’s just been a long time, you know? It’s like the first time all over again.”

“This is the first time, for both of us,” he says, his body remaining still as he throbs inside me. “I can’t remember anything else but this.”

“Me either,” I answer, as he begins placing soft kisses all over my face.

“Just tell me when you’re ready, Michelle,” he whispers in my ear. “I won’t move until you say so.”

For a brief moment, we’re still and silent as we marvel in the feeling of being joined for the first time. My body begins to relax, and with every passing second I love this feeling more and more. “We fit perfectly,” I whisper, as I wrap my legs around his. “Perfectly.”

With my legs, I gently, I push him deeper inside me. He moves slowly, deliberately, and I feel every inch of him as I begin moving my hips under him. He picks up the pace slightly, and I bring my legs up to his hips and lock my ankles together. My arms encircle his back, and I smile as I feel his muscles working as he thrusts harder inside me.

“It’s exactly like you said it would be, Danny, only better,” I whisper. “You feel so good inside me. So good.”

“It’s better than I ever dreamed, Michelle,” he whispers back, as he begins moving faster. “Loving you is the best thing I’ll ever do in my life.”

“Never stop loving me,” I say softly, as my body matches his increased pace. “Please.”

“Never, Michelle,” he says. “I’ll NEVER stop loving you.”

I feel the heat and the tingling as they begin to swirl inside me, only this time they’re more intense than ever before. With every thrust, the ache in me grows deeper, and I can only describe it as love… pure love.

“I’ll wait for you, Michelle,” Danny breathes, as he thrusts into me, fast and furious.

“Don’t wait!” I scream, as I push against his ass with my heels, forcing him deeper inside me, my body begging for release. “You don’t have to wait!”

He slides his right hand under my back and lifts me even closer to him, as he pushes himself hard into me, over and over again. Knowing that my climax is near, I say his name repeatedly, “Danny… Danny… Danny… Danny… OH MY GOD… DANNY!!”

My orgasm racks my body like a freight train, and I feel myself contract forcefully around him. At the same time, his body begins to tremble, and I feel him come inside me, throbbing harder around my constricting muscles. “I love you more than anything, Michelle,” he gasps, as our bodies convulse together. “I’ll love you until the day I die.”

“I love you, Danny,” I reply through my own gasps of pleasure. “More than anything.”

When it’s over, he practically collapses on top of me, our bodies still joined. He rests his head on my shoulder, and holds my body tight, supporting enough of his own weight so that I’m still able to breath.

“I don’t even know how to describe that,” he says. “It was the most amazing experience of my life.”

“Me too,” I answer. “Me too.”

“And I want to do it over and over again,” he says, looking up at me with a devilish smile.

“Well, let’s get to it,” I reply, kissing him softly.

“I love you, Mrs. Santos.

“And I love you, my perfect husband,” I say, as we start the love-making process all over again.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 36

August 12, 2011

Republisher’s Note: A Manny wedding.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 36

Halfway to St. Michael’s, Danny and I realized that we’d need wedding rings for the ceremony. We made an extremely brief detour to a jewelry store, where he looked at women’s rings and I looked at men’s. We agreed to pick out each other’s wedding bands, and surprise one another. The jeweler quickly sized each of our ring fingers, and then we went our separate ways in search of the perfect wedding ring. I never thought “eloping” would be so much fun.

For Danny, I selected a heavy, yellow gold band, with a small bit of engraving on the outer edges. Not too elaborate, not too plain… just very, very Danny. I have no idea what he picked out for me, and to tell the truth, I don’t care. Being his wife is better than any piece of jewelry he could ever buy me.

As we leave the jeweler, he asks me if I want to go home to change clothes. I quickly reply that I do not want to waste another minute, and direct him to drive straight to St. Michael’s. He readily agrees, and we hop back into his black Nissan and head in the direction of our dream come true.

We burst through the doors laughing and smiling, and Ray greets us with outstretched arms. “Danny, Michelle… I’m so happy for you. I hoped that one day I’d have the privilege of marrying the two of you. I just never thought it would happen so quickly.”

“Well Ray, when it’s right, it’s right,” Danny says. “I’ve known it for a long time.”

“Me too,” I quickly add. “From the very beginning.”

“If I thought otherwise, I’d never have agreed to do this,” Ray says. “But seeing as you are my family… both of you… and I’ve spent quite a bit of time with you, I feel confident that you’re entering into this for all the right reasons.”

“We are, Ray,” Danny replies. “Because we love each other, and we’re committed to staying together for the rest of our lives, no matter what. We’re not going to give up, even when times get tough. This is forever.”

“I can tell, Danny,” Ray says. “I could tell the first time I met Michelle.”

“Thank you, Ray,” I respond, reaching out to embrace him. “I can’t tell you how much it means to us that you’re going to marry us.”

“It’s my pleasure,” he says, leading us into the sanctuary. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve asked Sister Evelyn and Mr. Addison, our maintenance man, to witness the ceremony. You’ll need their signatures for your license.”

“That’s fine, Ray,” Danny says, as we reach the front of the church.

After a few quick introductions, Ray says it’s time to begin. Danny and I join hands and turn to face one another. As easy as it is for me to get lost in Danny’s eyes, I remind myself that this is my wedding day – the only one I’m ever going to have – and I’m careful to listen to every word that Ray says.

As my heart settles in to a steady rhythm that only Danny can evoke, I hear Ray begin the ceremony. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of Him who brings good tidings of peace,” his voice declares. “People everywhere, in all ages, have been drawn together in times of tribulation, and likewise in times of great joy, such as today, as we gather here to celebrate with these two – Danny and Michelle – the creation of a new family.”

Danny’s smiling, and his eyes begin to pool over with tears. He grips my hands tightly, his thumbs gently rubbing from my wrist to my fingers. I smile back at him, conveying the love that is bubbling over in my heart, as Ray continues.

“In the presence of God, let us witness the joining of Danny and Michelle in holy marriage, which is an honorable estate, instituted by God, symbolizing the mystical union between Christ and His church.”

Danny silently mouths “I love you”, and my knees almost give out. My lips form a silent “I love you too”, as a single tear trickles down his cheek.

“This union, and these pledges will set them apart, in a new and holy estate of matrimony,” Ray continues. “Marriage is a covenant of faith between a man and a woman. It allows them openness of life, freedom from doubt and suspicion, and a commitment to speak the truth in love.”

This moment is more incredible than I ever imagined. I’m standing here, in a beautiful church, looking into the face of the man I’ve searched for all my life – the man who makes me whole, fills me in every way. We stand, ready and willing, on the brink of pledging our love and our lives to each other for all time, and it’s the most “right” thing I’ve ever done.

“Marriage is a covenant of love,” Ray continues. “A covenant in which both husband and wife take on the concerns of the other. This covenant is not to be entered into lightly, but soberly, and in the fear of God.”

Ray pauses for the briefest of moments, and smiles at Danny, and then at me, reassuring us that he knows that we aren’t entering into this lightly.

“Into this holy estate now, Danny and Michelle come to be joined, and we join with them, in prayer, love, and support, in the celebration of the union of their two hearts into one… one heart, one home, and one love.”

Ray opens the Bible that he holds in his hands and goes on. “There are many Biblical foundations for marriage, and if you’ll allow me, I’d like to share some of them with you now… In Genesis chapter two, verse eighteen, God says, ‘It is not good for man to be alone.’ For this reason, God created a companion for man… a perfect companion. Danny, you have found your perfect companion in Michelle.”

Danny’s eyes never leave mine, and I feel tears leave my eyes and make their way down my cheeks. I want to be his perfect companion, now and always.

“In Ephesians chapter five, Paul writes, ‘Wives understand and support your husbands, and husbands provide leadership for your wives, not by domineering, but by cherishing.’ In this way, Danny and Michelle, let your love be marked by giving, not by gain.”

Danny reaches up and wipes my tears from my face, and I kiss his fingers as they brush across my lips. Ray watches the tender exchange between the two of us, and once our hands are once again joined, he continues.

“Perhaps the most poignant instruction for love is found in First Corinthians chapter thirteen… ‘Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. It does not boast. It does not behave rudely, and it is not self-serving. Love is not easily provoked and thinks no evil. Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails.’ Those words, Danny and Michelle, are the foundations upon which God would have you build your home. For love alone will be the tie that binds you through the tumults of life.”

Letting his words sink in, Ray closes his eyes momentarily, as if in silent prayer, and then quickly continues. “As a declaration of your love and commitment, vows will now be exchanged. I can recite the traditional vows, or if you’d rather, you can exchange your own vows.”

Danny and Ray exchange knowing looks, and Ray steps slightly aside. Danny’s eyes return to mine, and he takes a deep breath before beginning. “You might not know it, but I’m a bit of a traditional guy, but I’d like to embellish the traditional vows with my own thoughts.”

I simply nod and smile, as he continues. “Michelle, you changed my life in ways I never thought possible. You make me feel like I can do anything. You give me confidence. You give me perspective. You’ve shown me what’s really important in life. Everything that’s good about me is because of you, Michelle, and I’ll be so proud to call you my wife. And because of everything you do for me, because of my deep love for you, and just because of the amazing woman you are, I vow to be with you for the rest of my life. I take you, as my wife, to have and to hold, through good times and bad, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health. I’ll love you and cherish you with every breath I take, and I’ll keep myself only for you, for the rest of my life, until death parts us. I vow these things to you, according to God’s holy word, and to you, I pledge my faith”

This time, it’s me who wipes his tears, and then my own, as I begin my vows to him. “Danny, before you came into my life, I didn’t know what it meant to love or to be loved. Never in my life have I felt the pure joy that you give me, just by being in your presence. My purpose in this life is clear to me now – to be your wife, the other half of you, and to never stop trying to make you happy, to return to you just a fraction of what you’ve given me. I pledge myself to you, Danny, and I take you as my husband, to have and to hold, for better or for worse. I’ll be with you always, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health. For the rest of my life, I’ll love you and cherish you, and keep myself only for you, until death do us part. I vow these things to you according to God’s holy word, and to you, I pledge my faith.”

“Will you now signify your commitment to each other by the giving and receiving of rings?” Ray asks, stepping back in his place in front of us. We nod affirmatively, as we each reach into our pocket and retrieve the rings that we bought for each other.

One at a time, we place the rings in Ray’s hand, as he begins the ring ceremony. “In the palm of my hand, I hold the outward symbol of your unending love, and the sacred vows pledged today. Wear them as a sign of your love for all the world to see. May they always be a reminder of what we have witness here today, in God’s presence.”

Making eye contact with both of us, Ray continues. “As you wear your wedding rings, notice the quality of their construction. Theyare fashioned out of the most precious of metals, so let your love be your most prized and precious possession in this life. Notice also that they are a circle, unending, with no beginning and no end. So let your love be an unending circle, so much so that you can no longer tell where one of you ends and the other begins. Lastly, receive your rings as a visible gift, signifying the invisible gift that God has given you in your love for one another. Let these visible gifts remind you to allow the invisible gift to grow and multiply through the years.”

“Danny…” Ray says, as he carefully places my ring in Danny’s hand.

Danny takes my left hand and begins to slide my wedding ring onto my ring finger. I’m so caught up in the words he says that I barely even notice how beautiful the ring is.

“Michelle,” he says, as his voice cracks. “I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I have and all that I am, I honor you in the name of God.”

His words touch places in me that I didn’t know existed, and I frantically try to memorize them, as Ray places Danny’s ring in my hand. “Daniel,” I say, and my voice breaks just like his did. “I give you this ring, as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I have and all that I am, I honor you in the name of God.” I slide his ring all the way onto his left ring finger, and stare at how magnificent it looks there.

Ray continues, once both our rings are in place. “Danny and Michelle… wear these rings as a token of caring and loving one another, and as a symbol that you are indeed one. Receive one another into your care and devotion. Enrich each other with your love.”

Sister Evelyn retrieves a small silver tray from the table behind Ray. On it are the elements of holy communion. “As your first act together as husband and wife,” Ray says, “it’s only fitting that you share in communion. Communion is a sacrament, a sign of God’s love, His light, and His life that He gave for all of us. But today, let it be more than a celebration of His sacrifice, but also a new covenant of grace, as you establish your love and your new family in Him”

Danny and I each pick up a small, flat piece of bread, as Ray says, “This is My body, which is broken for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.” We raise the bread to our mouths, and savor the feel of it, as we are reminded of God’s ultimate sacrifice, so that we might experience life and love in this way.

Danny holds the small wine glass gently in his hands, as Ray continues. “This is the new covenant of My blood and as often as you drink it, do this in remembrance of Me.” Danny sips the wine, then passing the glass to me, and I do the same. Placing the glass back on the tray, Sister Evelyn returns it to the table.

Ray smiles at us, a broad, happy smile, and says, “Danny and Michelle, having witnessed your love in many ways before this day, and having witnessed the sincerity of your vows here today, it is my great privilege and honor, to pronounce you husband and wife. Danny, you may kiss your beautiful bride.”

Danny cups my face in his hands, and I place my hands on his shoulders, as he leans down to place his lips on mine. He holds them there for a long moment before opening his eyes and looking into mine.

“I love you, my beautiful wife,” he whispers.

“I love you too, my perfect husband,” I whisper back, before he kisses me again.

Ray, Sister Evelyn, and Mr. Addison applaud, and we  are brought back to reality. After several hugs and handshakes, and signatures on the appropriate lines,  we stroll out the door of St. Michael’s, as husband and wife, for the rest of our lives.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 35

August 11, 2011

Republisher’s Note: We pick up the Manny story right after Danny unexpectedly pops the question.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 35

My mind is racing and my heart is flying. A million thoughts and questions pop in and out of my head, so fast that none of them make it out of my mouth. Am I dreaming? Hallucinating? Crazy? Did Danny just ask me to marry him?

He is waiting for me to say something, anything, and for the life of me I can’t make my vocal chords work. Finally, coherent enough to respond, I look at him, completely dumfounded, and say, “What?”

“Marry me, Michelle,” he replies, reaching up to softly stroke my cheek. He notices the look of absolute shock on my face and continues. “This is not the way I envisioned proposing to you, but I’m doing it anyway. I don’t want to live one more day without you being my wife.”

“Danny,” I manage to stammer out. “This is… I’m just… Holy crap, Danny… I can’t even think.”

“I know… I’ve caught you off guard,” he says meekly.

“That’s an understatement,” I say, suddenly awed and embarrassed all at once. I reach for the door handle and step out of the car, hoping that some fresh air will clear my head and allow me to get a little perspective.

I hear Danny’s door open, as well, and before I know it, he’s at my side. He’s inches away from my body, but he doesn’t touch me. It’s as if he’s afraid to, not knowing what I’m thinking. Hell, I don’t even know what I’m thinking.

I want to scream “YES” at the top of my lungs, and find the nearest justice of the peace, but my brain forces me to come up with logical objections to Danny’s proposal. Unable to stop myself, I say, “But Danny, I’m still in school.”

“Think about it, Michelle,” he begins, as he stares at the blacktop beneath his feet. “I own my house. I don’t have a mortgage. There’s plenty of room. We could sell it when we find a house of our own. And Phillip pays me very well. You can finish school and you wouldn’t have to worry about tuition.”

“It’s not that, Danny,” I reply. “My dad started a trust fund for me, not long after my mom died, specifically for my education, and there’s plenty of money left in it.”

“Well that settles it,” he says. “This is perfect. You won’t have to pay rent. We won’t have a house payment to make. Medical school is pretty much paid for. There’s no reason not to.” His enthusiasm is matched only by the silent begging in his tone of voice.

“Danny, you’re talking about this like it’s something that you just sit down one day and decide to do. And it’s not like that at all. This is marriage you’re suggesting, and it’s a big deal,” I answer, the war of wills still raging inside me, my heart against my head.

Turning to face me, his eyes meet mine, and he says, “I know that, Michelle, and I certainly didn’t mean to make light of this. I don’t want you to think that I haven’t thought about marrying you before today. Because, the truth is, I have thought about it… a lot. I’ve thought about being with you for the rest of my life practically since we first met.”

Staring into his eyes, eyes that make my heart swell to magnificent proportions, I let the floodgates open, and tears of happiness begin to stream down my face. Powerless to say anything, I lean my head on his chest, and he wraps his arms around me for support. My reasonable argument against getting married was that this was a spur of the moment request from him, one hadn’t thought through. But with every word he utters, he’s making me see that it’s not at all spur of the moment. Every touch tells me that he’s wanted this for a long time. Fighting to regain control of my emotions, I wipe the tears from my cheeks, breathing deeply in an attempt to find my composure. A myriad of feelings course through me… fear, uncertainty, surprise, amazement, and love… always love… unending love.

He takes my face in his hands, and gently lifts my face to his. He places a soft, tender kiss on my quivering lips, and asks, “Have you thought about marrying me before today?” There is more honesty and reality in this moment than I have ever known. Just when I think I can’t feel any closer to him, something happens, and I’m drawn deeper into this wonderful, magical, intangible place that we’ve created together.

I can do nothing but nod affirmatively, because I know that I have thought about it… and fantasized about it… and dreamed about it.

He wraps his arms around me once again, and holds my body to his. Running his fingers through my hair, he goes on. “I know that there will be people who say we rushed into marriage. Some people might look at us strangely, because we got married after less than three months. But so what? We’re both adults, and we both have everything else in our lives in order. I have a job that I love, and a place to live. You’re halfway through with medical school, and someday soon you’re going to be a brilliant, compassionate doctor. But for all that ‘stuff’, we both felt empty inside. We were both searching for something to fill the void. Then we found each other, and now, we’re complete. We’re whole. I don’t give a damn what anyone else says or thinks. We’re grown-ups, Michelle, and we know how we feel, and what we want. And I KNOW that there is never going to be another woman for me.”

I look up at him and smile, and with every moment that passes, I love him even more. Still, I cannot say a word, as he continues his declaration. “Is there ever going to be anyone else for you, Michelle?” he asks, his eyes begging me for the answer that he already knows, but his heart needs to hear. “Is there ever going to be another man in your life… in your heart?”

“No, Danny,” I whisper, more sure of that than I’ve ever been about anything. “Never.”

He kisses me again, and this time my mouth opens under his, as his tongue glides over mine in a quiet plea. His thumbs softly move across my cheeks, and I lean into him, my body loving the way we fit together, and excited by the prospect of a wedding night with him… making love to him… being “one” with him.

He breaks the kiss and moves his lips to my forehead. “Every morning when I wake up, I wish you were lying next to me, so that your face would be the first thing I see when I open my eyes. Every night when I go to bed, I wish you were with me, so that I could go to sleep feeling you in my arms. When I open my closet door in the morning, I wish that your clothes were there, hanging next to mine. I’ll even find somewhere else to put my shoes so you can have the whole closet floor for yours,” he says with a smile. “I wish your toothbrush was in my bathroom, and I wish your car was parked in my garage. I want my junk mail to be addressed to both of us. I want to be able to call my house ‘our home’. I love you more than anything, Michelle, and I want to be able to call you my wife. I want to make you happy, take care of you, protect you, all the things a husband is supposed to do for his wife.”

My heart is beginning to win out over my head, as I ask, “If we do this, what do we do? Get on a plane and go to Las Vegas?”

Excitement brimming in his voice, he answers, “No. We have a marriage license already, remember? We can find a justice of the peace, or a minister, or I could even call Ray. He might agree to marry us even though we haven’t done the pre-marital sessions with him. He’s spent a lot of time with us, and he knows us. Or, we could go to Las Vegas. Or Chicago. Or anywhere else you want to go. Just say the word, Michelle, and we’ll do this however you want to. Do you want to go somewhere?”

“No,” I say shaking my head, my heart now in complete domination over my head. “Call Ray.”

Danny’s eyes immediately find mine, searching, probing for reassurance. “Michelle… Does that mean…?”

“Yes, Danny,” I say, beaming from ear to ear. “It means YES!”

He takes me in his arms and lifts me from the ground, spinning me around until I’m afraid he’ll fall down from dizziness. “You won’t be sorry,” he says, placing kisses all over my face. “I promise. I’ll make you the happiest woman in the world.”

“You already do,” I say, kissing him back, through new, fresh tears of joy. “You already do.”

“I’ll call Ray right now,” he says, reaching into his pocket for his cell phone.

“And I’ll go tell Mr. Mattingly that I won’t be needing the apartment,” I reply.


As I walk out of Mr. Mattingly’s office, Danny practically sprints toward me. “Was he angry?” he asks, referring to the landlord.

“No,” I answer, as we make our way back to his car. “He said there was someone else who wanted the apartment if I didn’t take it.”

“Good,” he says.

“Did you talk to Ray?” I ask.

“Yes,” Danny replies. “He said he’d do it. He’s going to marry us, Michelle!”

Throwing my arms around his neck, I bury my face in his chest, listening again to the heart beating there… my heart.

“There’s only one condition,” he says, in a concerned tone.

“What?” I ask, looking up at him.

“He said that he wouldn’t give us a ‘quickie’ wedding,” Danny answers. “He said if we were going to get married, he was going to perform a real ceremony.”

Smiling up at the man I love with all my heart, I say, “I wouldn’t want it any other way. I want it to be as perfect as possible, so that I can remember it for the rest of my life.”

“Me too,” Danny says, looking down at me with more love than I’ve ever felt. “Do you want to call Rick?”

“He’s leaving town this afternoon,” I answer. Looking at my watch, I say, “He’s probably already left. There’s some kind of medical convention in Dallas this weekend.”

“We could wait until he gets back,” Danny says, with a disappointed look.

“NO!” I shout. “I don’t want to wait another minute!”

Smiling with relief, he replies, “Neither do I. I can’t wait to be your husband.”

He opens the car door for me, and I slide in. Before I even have a chance to reach for my seat belt, he starts the engine steers the car out of the parking lot. As we drive toward St. Michael’s, our hearts are overflowing, and there are so many things that could be said. But rather than speak, we say everything we need to say as Danny’s hand reaches for mine, and we clasp them together, as a symbol of a love that cannot be broken.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 33

August 9, 2011

Republisher’s Note: Manny are dealing with how serious their relationship is to both of them.

Quench Me by Amy – Chapter 33

When I walk through the doors of my bedroom at 11:30 a.m., I’m surprised to see Danny sitting on my bed. I immediately drop the bag that I was holding and join him there.

“What are you doing here in the middle of a work day?” I ask, snuggling close.

“Since you’re not working and we can’t have lunch at the hospital cafeteria, I thought we could go to Company together,” he answers.

Gently nibbling his earlobe, I reply, “That’s a great idea, and a very nice surprise.”

Turning to kiss my cheek, he says, “Ray’s going to meet us there. I hope that’s all right with you.”

“Of course it is, Danny,” I say. “I’d love to see Ray again.”

“He’s been bugging me since last Friday for the three of us to get together again, and I thought it might be nice to grab lunch together today.”

“I can’t wait,” I reply, jumping up off the bed. “Just let me change clothes.”

The pink tank top and cut off jean shorts with frayed edges are not the sort of thing I want to wear out to lunch, especially when Danny is wearing is usual business attire, and I’m sure that Ray will be dressed nice, with or without the collar. I rummage through my closet and find my lavender sundress with pink baby roses embroidered around the neckline. Perfect.

“You know, Michelle,” Danny begins, still watching me from the bed. “I kind of like you in those shorts. If I hadn’t already called Ray, I might be tempted to stay here with you for my entire lunch break.”

“I hope you’re always tempted,” I say, as I throw my dress across the pillows on my bed, and drop to my knees to search the closet floor for my white sandals.

“Always,” he replies. “So, where have you been this morning in that sexy get-up?”

“At the gym,” I reply. “I had to take care of a few things.”

“Not the gym…,” Danny says standing up in shock.

Finally locating both the left and right sandals, I stand up from the floor and answer, “Yes, the gym.” I wait for a response, but getting nothing but a tightly clenched jaw from him, I continue. “I had a rented locker there that still had a few of my things in it, and needed to be cleared out. I also owed money for half of this month’s fee.”

“I can’t believe you went there by yourself!” he exclaims, with obvious frustration. “Was that bastard there? Did you see him?”

“Calm down, Danny!” I say, trying to keep this from escalating any further. “Do you think I’m that stupid? I called before I went there. I talked to the manager, Sydney. She’s a nice lady. I asked her if Tanner was there, and she told me he wasn’t. Apparently, he doesn’t even work there any more because there were too many complaints from female customers about his come-ons.”

His jaw relaxes a little, and his face softens. “You should’ve called me,” he says sweetly. “I would’ve gone with you.”

“Danny, I’m a grown-up,” I say with a smile, as I pull my tank top over my head and hurl it toward the clothes hamper. “Rick has finally accepted that, and you have to as well.”

“I just want to protect you,” he answers. “I love you.”

“And I love you,” I reply. “And I love that you want to protect me. I don’t want you to stop. But you can’t be with me every single second of every single day.” My shorts go the way of my tank top, leaving me wearing nothing but pink panties and a pink bra. I reach for my dress, and begin stepping into it.

“I know that, Michelle,” Danny says. “But that animal attacked you, and I don’t even want to think about what would’ve happened if I hadn’t gotten there when I did.”

“I don’t either, Danny,” I say, slowly backing up to him. “Can you zip me up?”

His hands work on the bottom of the zipper, and soon I feel the fabric of my dress across my back as he zips me all the way up. “I know that God sent you there that night,” I continue. “I don’t believe for one second that it was a coincidence. But I’m twenty-four years old, Danny. I take care of myself pretty well.”

“But you can’t trust everybody, Michelle,” he says. “You can’t always know what the other person’s intentions are.”

“I realize that,” I reply. “And believe, me, I’ll never go into a dark parking lot alone again, without my keys in my hand and my finger on the alarm remote button, AND my cell phone handy. But, I live in this house, practically alone, considering Rick’s schedule these days, AND I’m getting ready to move back into an apartment… alone.”

“Yeah, and I’m not too crazy about that either,” he says, staring at the floor.

“Why? Don’t you want me to have my own place?” I question, quickly fastening my sandals on my feet.

“I just don’t like the idea of you being alone, that’s all,” he admits sheepishly.

“Danny, there’s an apartment complex FULL of people,” I say. “It’s not like I’ll be completely isolated from the entire world. Please trust me to be responsible for myself.”

“I do,” he says. “I just worry about you.”

“I know and I worry about you too, but it’s time for life to move on for me, and for Rick. It’s time for him to move past his divorce, and build some semblance of a life for himself. And it’s time for me to get back to where I was before Abby left.”

“You worry about me?” he asks, as his eyes light up with the possibility. “About what?”

Now sitting at my dresser, powdering my face and applying soft, pink lip stick, I say, “I worry about lots of things, Danny. When you’re driving in your car, I wonder if the other drivers on the road are paying attention. When you went to Atlanta, I wondered if the pilot was awake and alert. Lots of things cross my mind, but I don’t let them rule my thoughts.”

“I’d die if anything ever happened to you, Michelle,” he says, coming up behind me and lightly caressing my shoulders. “Call me a worry-wart if you want to, but it’s the truth.”

Smiling as I stand up from the dresser, I wrap my arms around his neck, and reply, “I feel the same way.”

After a long moment, staring into each other’s eyes, Danny brings my hand up to his face, and kisses each fingertip. “Now, let’s go meet Ray for lunch,” he says. “And by the way, if we hadn’t been having a serious discussion, that little strip-tease you did would’ve caused us to leave Ray sitting alone in the restaurant.”

Laughing as we walk out the door, I say, “You always make me smile, Danny Santos, and I love you for it.”