FAQ: Does the Bauer House have a living room?

Revisiting the Bauer House.

Glmanny's Blog

Does the Bauer House have a living room? This question has come up 3 times so far and I expect it will again. There is some confusion among fans about the layout of the Bauer House.

The sets of the Bauer House are very large so usually they only had one interior set up at once. To deal with that they had a soft furnishing area of the kitchen and usually used this set with the kitchen table and soft furnishing corner of the kitchen serving for informal seating. Family and close friends usually, but not exclusively, use this kitchen door and enter directly into the kitchen. This has made some fans confused about whether the house actually had a living room or not. It does, as you can see in the clips below.

In fact, the set includes a front door, with a portico outside and a small vestibule…

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