Bauer BBQ 2009

Previously on Guiding Light – Rick has asked each of his ex’s in town to help him with the Bauer BBQ. They all turn him down. Beth and Mel even laughed about it together, which is kind of strange considering how Mel’s marriage to Rick ended. Anyway he makes the rounds once again to tell them Michelle and Danny are bringing the kids back home for the BBQ and that Michelle will play hostess. However, Michelle apparently doesn’t arrive in town until after the party starts and barely steps foot in the house (or she’d have cleaned out that fridge Ed and Rick do later and given Rick what for for allowing the kitchen to get into such a state) and leaves immediately afterward. It’s actually Blake who really pulls the BBQ together this year. I wish it was because of the memory juice they seem to be getting occasional slugs of as the end draws near made them remember Blake was raised as a Bauer for quite awhile, but really I think it’s to give her an excuse to be out driving around so she can constantly run in Natalia (as the only one in on her secret) and constantly repeat the same things over and over again, burning up precious air time that could have been devoted to say, um, I don’t know, how about A BAUER at the BAUER BBQ! Still a billion times (without hyperbole) better than the last 2 years.

I also want to point something out that I did at the time on the Mannyac Board, but not in my description. The interaction with Danny and Phillip is actually kind of an important scene. Check out their interaction when Danny came to Phillip for help getting rid of Ben Warren or right after Alan hired Danny to work at Spaulding and there was a lot of tension there. However, over time Phillip came to respect Danny for being able to do what Phillip couldn’t, break away from his twisted family ties, always pull his family together again, and to win back Michelle even when he screwed up. Phillip had previously shown his respect for Danny’s familial accomplishment and asked his advice about Olivia and he takes it. Now once again he asks Danny for advice, but not really understanding the depth of Phillip’s question and being distracted by said happy family, Danny doesn’t give much of an answer. Leaving Phillip to figure it out for himself.

See the links to my comments as a watched it for the first time below. I’m still looking for the raising the flag sequence from the beginning and I think there is a little Jaisy/Lillibuzz stuff missing, but this pretty much all of the event which spread over 2 days. (Part 1) (Part 1B – a few clips missing from other clip, but mostly duplicates) (Part 2) (Part 2B – Mostly duplicates at least 1 unique scene) (Part 3) (Part 3B – Mostly duplication with some unique scenes) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 1)

Read my summary from the time of Bauer BBQ 2009 here:

Read my commentary from the time about Bauer BBQ 2009 here:

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  1. Bauer BBQ Summary « Glmanny's Blog Says:

    […] Glmanny's Blog Guiding Light's Danny and Michelle Bauer Santos « Bauer BBQ 2009 […]

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